Aksioo presents reformed Gaming Group and new project

Aksioo Networks is proud to present the renewed Aksioo Gaming Group. After a small period of inactivity we are back on track with our Gaming Group in the wonderful game of Warcraft III. We gathered two players to become the cornerstones of the Warcraft III team. Quite unknown to many, but ready to show what they’re made of, Mert Can “WonKy” Aydin and Adrian “civerb1” Gradoli will certainly be valuable additions to the renewed organisation. Our Gaming Group now has different goals than in the past. The Aksioo Gaming Group is now a team that gives young talents the chance to develop their playing and social skills in a team environment, without the constant pressure of having to perform. Aksioo Gaming Group is in the first place a team where you learn from your team mates. Practice makes perfect, and that is why Aksioo Gaming Group will become perfect!


Turkey Mert Can “WonKy” Aydin (Orc)
Spain Adrian “civerb1” Gradoli (Human)

Next to our new Gaming Group members we are proud to announce our second project in the gaming scene, Mercury eSports Association. With the recent hype around Call of Duty 4 and the apparent impact this game also made on other communities, we decided we would add a team for the new game. Built around the core of the old decursio Call of Duty 2 team, we also see some new and fresh faces in the line-up.

Team captain for this new team is Jeroen “reality” Coppens, age 18. This talented player is from the old vCOD days, where he played in BZZ, a name that brings back nostalgic feelings even now, after all these years.

Quote“I'm happy NIVEKii is willing to give us this opportunity. When the decursio organisation kind of failed horribly (what to expect from a Belgian CS organisation anyway). NIVEKii came with this offer and we took it without a doubt. Some of us have already met NIVEKii in real life and we will certainly get along with each other.”

Pieter “uterKe” Beirnaert, age 18, already played with Jeroen before Call of Duty 4. Like Jeroen, Pieter has a past in the first Call of Duty title, where he played for eoGn. He was the backup player for BZZ. Whenever they were a man short, Pieter was there to fill the void.

Quote“After Decursio picked us up and some people really got inactive. We decided to make fom our last cod2 lan without any practice, just for fun. With cod4 coming shortly after we allready knew we lost wazzie, we’ll all miss him. This left us with Reality, Strike, Egeltje and me. Soon Garby decided to join us but with strike going into exams we found oNt to take his place so strike could have some time for his studies. Together with NIVEKii I’ll hope that this line-up will make it true and book some nice results.”

Kevin “egeltje” Staut, age 24. Also a player that goes back until vCOD. There he played for Belgian teams like Team-Mirage with MAXXUR. Team motivator.

Quote"When COD4 came out I wasn't supposed to continue playing because I had other things in mind. When Jeroen actually said he could use me for the new team, i started to think, and realised I could play just that little more. So now I’m here, trying to make myself worthy enough to fit in the team. <3 jerre”

David “garby” Rimbaut, age 20. David is one of the newcomers in the Call of Duty franchise. Having played Counterstrike 1.6 for years, he decided to take on a new challenge with friends Jeroen and Pieter. He has a sick mind when it comes down to humour, but also a sick mind when it comes down to certain ingame situations.

Quote"Hey I'm David Rimbaut I've been gaming for almost 8 years now, my biggest succes was in Counterstrike 1.6 where I played in teams like 6ROTA, decursio and Team-Sypher. During that time I was able to win some Belgian LAN's such as FoM, Lanscape, Leechwars,... It is now that I realise that the 1.6 scene is silently dying and it might be time for me to quit, after all my years of playing. It was at that moment I heard that my friends Jeroen and Pieter wanted to start playing Call of Duty 4 as soon as it came out. They thought I'd be a great addition with my gaming experience and in-game team leading abilities.”

Leo “oNt” Boone, age 17. Leo is the second newcomer in the Call of Duty franchise. Before COD4 he ventured into Counterstrike: Source. Now he made the switch to another game and we are sure he will pick up the new game in no time.

Quote“Hi everybody, my name is Leo Boone and I recently switches from Counterstrike: Source to Call of Duty 4. Main reason for this is obvious: I like the new game a lot and I see a bright future ahead. I didn’t see a reason to continue playing CS: S because I still think it doesn’t feel right. Next to that the COD community acts more mature than the CS: S community..”

Next to our main line-up we have some reserve players ready to step up whenever they’re called upon.

Arne “Str!ke” De Ketelbutter, age 17. Relative unknown player. Has some experience in vCOD, but not on a high level. Promising young player, plays smart and always plays for the team. Has gathered enough experience to make an impact.

Quote“I played together with some of the guys (like reality and uterKe) for quite a while. They are also for a long time my friends just like garby and egeltje also. With oNt we have a nice six man line-up now. I don't know him good yet but I know his reputation in the Counterstrike: Source scene. He's a friendly and relaxed guy so that will just work out fine. I'm looking forward to play under the flag of the new organisation and hope we have a stable home now so that we can concentrate on the game itself.”


Belgium Jeroen “reality Coppens
Belgium Pieter “uterKe” Beirnaert
Belgium Kevin “egeltje” Staut
Belgium David “garby” Rimbaut
Belgium Leo “oNt” Boone

Belgium Arne “Str!ke” De Kettelbutter
didnt read it all 2long
:o 2much2 read :<

hehe, <b> you're funny</b>, no seriously, I just posted it on another site and there they used < > :( fixed tho
yeh seen it :p
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