noo its not problem :( i listen music alot too .. and that was ment to be funny question :z ... but i also dont have time or im too lazy to search good music from youtube
I work fulltime and in my spare time im either making music / gaming or training (reallife sports yes xD). But this is fun to do for me, to share the music I like with a community I like ;)
k :)
luckily I'm not a musician and I dno shit about it ;)
Luckily I have NO talent @ music or whatsoever and I haven't been on tv and in newspapers in my life, and been called talent by artists like miko who is the ex guitar player from prince's band, luckily i'm just an average music listener ;)
imo wintersun > all if it comes to epic music.
allthough i dont like it, i like the song she sings with kamelot its good shit
Fav Songs Spree 28-11-2007
Fav Songs Spree 27-11-2007
Fav Songs Spree 26-11-2007
also old shit, carry on my wayward son cause it was on south park, also dust in the wind by the same band :DD
luckily I'm not a musician and I dno shit about it ;)
Luckily I have NO talent @ music or whatsoever and I haven't been on tv and in newspapers in my life, and been called talent by artists like miko who is the ex guitar player from prince's band, luckily i'm just an average music listener ;)