its a great browser game.

register here to the new slo server!

p.s: it gets really exciting after you get 75 population
already heard of it...
played that 2 years ago :D
1 guy in my class is totaly addicted to that, hes talking the whole fucking day about it :!
or just register to your own country's travian

like etc
travian > all
server 2 / 3x server
it does get exciting after you get 75 population, it also stops being exciting when you get 100 population
do you play on some gay speed servers? :)
great, now register on the slo server
speed is gay
Everyone and their brothers are playing Travian in college, I got to the main site to register and it asked me for an email address, so I quit
2488. aske ROH 356 1

started today, but its not speed
It's called kyläpeli which is dedicated to all the nolifers like Mind.. If you want to be as nolife (good), you need to play it 14hr per day.. but nP for guys like Mind, Meth and all the other "kyläpeli" gays, who love to spend their time to make troops to attack and defend ur villagio ? And yeah ofc if you spend enought time playing it, you can be proud of how much Crop per hour you can get : ) And always if u have already done everything for your village, YOU can go to the TRAVIAN FORUMS!! Very nice all the nerds speaking about the game and thinking euhhmmm.. who is gna be the winner ? Dunno about the winning, mby its just ment to spend as much time as you possibly can : ) MAKE UR MOMMAS PROUD ! peace ehh ?
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