ping and fps

i want to lower my ping, and i would like to reach a higher fps rate...
many people say i should use a netlimiter and rivatuner but i keep hearing bad things about them and even that they can be seen as cheats by punkbuster.
could someone help me with these things?
i havnt downloaded the programs yet.
thanks in advance
rate 15000
cl_maxpackets 40
cl_packetdup 5

r_mode 4
r_picmip 3
cg_drawgun 0

go go
i currently have:
rate 25000
cl_maxpackets 76
cl_packetdup 1

r_mode 6
r_picmip 3
cg_drawgun 0

will those settings realy make a difference?
Well atleast try what I suggested and see if it's better. If you dont like, switch back to your old settings.
k ill try them out
btw for better fps there is alot of other settings what will increase it. :)
hmm it didnt help at all :S
fps was still going crazy from 10-100
and my ping was still the same
It's probably your CPU then, rather than your video card. Not much you can do with settings in that case.
hmm never tried that much packetdup at that rate and packets
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need more pls
Ali ist mein Bodyguard!
which system do you have? i had same with my crap old p4, crazy fps from 30 to 76 :<
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