BB trickjump movie

anyone still got this Belgian Boobs Trickjumping Movie (believe it was called something like that) ? it was made around 2005 i guess and image: nl WeeBull was starring it:P would be kinda cool to see it again
more importantly

does anyone have Niedzowiedz fragmovie ?
have it on my pc !
got it now too !
naiz ! i'm gonna watch it now
btw i have to know
Is your clan desert foxes called like that because of rommel?
no, it wasnt my choice :P

was just some mgc :D
Oh I'm just saying this cause my first clan on ET was called "les renards du desert" wich means desert foxes but you stole our great name !

wasnt me xD

was our ghetto cl

but nn now, I have to sleep
Woho WeeBull!
Woho Cheater!
Woho go and die niggah coz your so low and I'm so high and I own you rl and stuff etc etc cheaters rule especially me since I cheat so much and all the time 3h3h3h3h3h3.

Seriously though, if you keep on doing that. I'll look you up in Gula Sidorna and visit you and give you a sillyslap, and then tell your mother your playing hardball over the internet but your really a nerd rl.
still u r a cheater
And still your low. But now I'm going to bed. I'll deal with you two homosexuals in the morning.
low but not retarded like you fucking cheater
Ok so all cheaters are retarded then all low people have down syndrom. Which means a retardation can be anything but you are stuck to down syndrom and that sucks.

Face it, you have down syndrom. You suck.
realy what's ur point, so i have down syndrome and all of that, still i wasn't stupid enuff to use hax. Hmmz what does that make you then...?
My point is, that even how smart you think you are. You have down syndrom!
Oh noez, plz help mom this bad guy is threatening me on teh intrawebz!!!

Seriously though, Im looking forward to it.
Seriously she will be devestated when she finds out you suck and I rule.
I find it hard to believe that someone who gets so hurt from some comments on some internet forum is even smart enough to use the yellow pages.
Good one emo. But I think you have a special place in my heart tbh. I can't really point out what it is. But I can imagine myself you as a disgusting communist who loves racemixing and violence against white people. But I don't know, it might just be a stereotype I've gotten about you. Maybe you are just annoying over the net.

But well, you keep on beeing annoying till tommorow and then we can keep on doing this. I'll deal with your boyfriend tommorow aswell.

God damnit, I feel like Chuck Norris.
bring it ooooooooooon!!!
You first say that I love racemixing, like that is something bad, hence, you are a racist twat.

And then you accuse me of being racist by implying that Im violent to white people. Just doesnt make any sence.

btw, its nice how you use words such as "communist","homo" and "emo" as insluts, never seen that before, pure genius!

Can't wait till tomorrow <3
Don't call me racist. I'm a national socialist. And of course racemixing is terrible. But I wouldn't worry too much about you hurting our race in any way actually. You'll never get the chance to have sex with a disgusting nigger or anyone else, that meaning you have no chance to get children and hurt us.

Fekking Ejs!
"racemixing is terrible", "disgusting nigger".

How can you say things like that and still claim that you're not a racist?
I cant believe that someone can be that retarded on so many levels as you are.
You disgust me.
I can't believe you can't read. I said I'm a national socialist, a nazi, natsoc, ns. Whatever you wanna call it. I'm one of those people who will rise up armed and gun people like you down.
You do realize that Nazis are racists right?

Now go die asshole.
Woho Sir Vargen!
Sir WeeBull! How do you do?
Belgian Boobs, haha, waar is de tijd !

Chase > all.
That's what I meant ;-p
sounds good movie.. wanna see it too
Like more lol plz

btw, someone get me out of here, im still in uni working on some bloody project
Just wait for my tj movie to be released ! :>
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