goooood mooooooooooorning

hoi everybody im bored and i has to start @ 11:20 and talk about an english text which is izi bash.
so what are you guys up to on this early morning? \o/
beeing at work, having my first coffee. starting laptop to transfer my files from there to my worklingpc to start. :D

have a nice day alL!
donuts & coffee & cigarettes & soya milk
-.- i have a math exam in 40 mins and im fucking nervous :\
i had that yesterday :o math = izi bash \o/
Im at work... sitting here and spamming crossfire
playing cod1 @ school :D;d;:D;D:D:DddDDD
ye lol'd xD

we installed it from a extern hd from a friend put it in the shared folder and then play with 30 ppl a LAN game in the 'mediatheek' xDD
najz :DD lol some dude @ school got banned and couldnt make an exam because he dled mozilla xD
lolzzzzzzzzzzz XD
i dl'ed xfire but they disabled u can install .exe -_-'
:D that bastard @ our mediatheek is always watching even if you open notepad he checks it immediately. and he blocked dos stuff :<
naaiend :< they do the same by uss, but the itc man noticed but he played with us :XD

[p.s. gebruik je xfire? :p]
if you got xfire4linux np4me :)

bibuy i go 2engrish mondeling
gl + geef me je xfire! of add meh: dezziii
danke schoon mijne is braineminem :$
en niet haten tis oud :<
nice day
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