
ok my dear xfire friends, i have a serious question

tomorrow there will be a big houseparty and before that some friends come to me and we will drink some much (engrish ftw) beer.
Then we will go to the party and drink even more beer/wodka/dunno
Till here there is no problem :)


the next day there is a tournament i must (i have signed up for it) participate it: no its no et tournament g33ks

My problem:
i want to drink a lot but i dont want to be half dead when i get up @ 8 o'clock

What can i do to not have a hangover?

- eat some fatty meat/chips/ whatever
- drinking water during the party
- drinking water when coming home
- what else???? Any good suggestions
need helpz thx
drinking water during the party will make u look pretty unserious in the business
but drink milk before rly!
yes i know taht drinking water during party is very, very uncool. Every time i try it my friends spill it over me ^^
sure its cool...

if u do it smart..

take an empty bottle of wodka... fill in water ... then drink it ^^

Schnaps mit Wasser trinken top Sache!
schon, deshalb brauch ich ja alternativen
cut yourself and let the alcohol run out
dont drink water after the will wake up two days later... :>
drinking (salad-) oil (before drinking alc!) should help , but it tastes horrible :<
is the party on the island?
why wasnt i invited? :<
kgb pills, dunno if they sell it in your country, some "anti-hangover" pills :)
oh they most likely fuck up your entire system, but you'll feel fine :)
- eat enough before the party
- only drink beer, NO wodka
- if possible, dance/move
- drink water when you get home and take an aspirine
- get up in time the next morning, drink water and take another aspirine
- try to move a bit and take a shower that'll freshen you up
This is some solid advice, should at least reduce the effects =).
I did lots of research when I was still young and pretty, way way back in time ;-)
when you will wake up just drink a glass of bloody mary
don't eat something before
only beer should be ok noob
you cant do nothing, I've got the same problem 2 weeks ago, i thought it wont be problem to get up @ 7 am, but when i got up i was still very drunk and I only turned off my alarm clock.
Drink so much that you are still drunk at the morning = no hangover
Just don't drink for once? At least that's what I do.
no way, completely impossible, its already planed
Just drink lots of water b4 sleeping, hangover is caused from loss of liquids in brain
true, but if there's still lots of alcohol in your blood, you will feel like shit too, especially if you have to do something physical
and he might piss the bed xD
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that never happened to me since 13 years :>>>>>>
lol, i dont think i actually pissed into my bed after the age of 5 or something
just have a another beer in the morning, and you are good to go!
Before you start drinking, drink 2 pints (big glasses) of water.

Every 5 or so beers drink a big glass of water then carry on drinking beer. Have your last drink no less than an hour before trying to go to sleep and drink as much water as possible after your last drink of the night.

Oh and, don't mix different kinds of drinks. The odd shot whilst you're drinking beer is usually ok though. Start with beer and once you move onto spirits, don't go back to beer or you'll be ruined.
what if he gets drunk after 4 beers?
erm...? its not like i am not used to drink its just that i want to make some sport + having drunk enough the daybefore ^^
k guys thx for the tips. My favourites are:
- drinking oil
- no mix of drinks (knew this already but never had any problems with that)
- lots of water when home
- aspirine
- shower

drink + speed or coke or xtc :) in ze later hours when ur tournament is @ 8.00

or try to puke all alcohol out in ze early morningzzz..

btw what sport? soccer?
no i am football hater, its tennis
start the day where you ended the night:

sounds horrible but..
lots of water when you come home
amen to that
1. don't drink vodka
2. eat before you start drinking. I mean, eat a lot.
3. lost of water when you come home
4. you are probably be hangover in the next day, so take some caf+asp (caffeine + aspirine pill).
u dont have to drink alcohol to have fun..if u want to drink smoething drink some beers but not to much and u can still have a nice day :)
image: 11431_deniz%20gebby%20am%20zapfhahn no, but drinking with friends > all
:D:D:D:D:D::DD: ^^

that was my 16th birthday :P

thats something else hahahahaaha ^^

omg owned me :>
[ger] wenn du bei deinem 18. nicht völlig abstürzt hast du deinen 18. nicht richtig gefeiert =) [ger]
have 1,5 years time :)

omg that will be an ownage pardeyyyyyyyyyyyy :P

all welcome ^^
Doing some physical when you've got a hangover might kill you. You really should consider what you are doing here, mr.
k if you read in a newspaper: guy died on tournament after party, you know: it was the yellowpowerranger
Hope I won't have to read news like that, tho. :) gl in the tournament!
thx, its not that improtant for me but my trainer wanna see some performance from my site and with all your tips i wont ave a serious hangover i think
drink some beer then take some ecstasy in da morning
like paintrain said

- drink water when you get home and take an aspirine
- get up in time the next morning, drink water and take another aspirine
- try to move a bit and take a shower that'll freshen you up
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