British people !

They really need to overhaul their education system!
:))) and they are all scottish...xD
first one is obviously fake
Yea.. that kid in the black/white top didn't know his own country's currency? I HIGHLY doubt that.. I mean wtf.
lol, well tbh, i think that guy went to village of the damned in scotland to ask the inbred population some questions :/ what a bunch of mongos :/ although, the guy got one wrong himself, rolls royce isnt a british car company gg!

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars (2003-present), a subsidiary of BMW
the right one is hot, the left one too but her tatoo sucks!
u talking about the cupcakes right ?
no, about the girls!
hmm you must have scoured millions of the British for that video.. you found a kid, two geriatrics and a college drop out
haha, exactly what i was thinking
More than 15m adults in Britain have poor numeracy - the equivalent of a G or below at GCSE maths
1st one is fake. not rly funny
Wouldn't surprise me if it's real though
I love one of the comments on the first link:

these questions are way easier than the ones the British where asking. they dont even know how many colors are on their flag. no pride for the country. sad. at least america can fight. remember the 4th of july 1775.

I do know what happened on July 4th 1776, but what happened on 4th of July 1775?
on July 4th 1775 George Washington took a dump so big, it would be remembered by the American people for centuries!
I'm not British, joke failed.
but you are a rapist?
the irish more than any1 i know are more known for being dumb though? jst based on the amount of irish jokes there are over here.. might be same for u over there but in regards to us ;O
its all scots lol ofc their stupid, we know this already
Oh get off your highhorse you silly prat.
hehe i remember watching that who wants to be a millionaire episode on tv.

But to be honest I passed my driving test last week and even i didnt know the order in traffic lights, - i just stop when the lights are red, and go when they are green :o
tbh the union jack has black outlines of the other colours which alot of ppl would overlook.

British car manufacturer?

Is there any left that produce more than five specialised cars a year?

Currency? lol they were asking kids who were skipping school, say money and maybe they'd get it :D

EU flag? Who gives a shit

Traffic question was about right for most of the country, bad drivers over here
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