why YOU should be a vegetarian


watch and learn

Im surprised how cold people can be...
all jokes aside, Im sure many of you have had pets
question is, would you be ok with eating that pet ?
idgaf ciaoo
then wtf do you post then

if you dont care, you wouldnt post, obviously you DO care...
Its just like i say i dont give a fuck and i wanted to post something so
write something better instead :)
those things won't change even if you stopped eating meat so #care
ehm, if everybody stopped.. it would ?
maby but not gone hapen
wait a minute here, MAYBE ?

if everybody stopped eating meat

you saying that MAYBE this will stop?

its 100% sure that if nobody eat meat, slaughterhouses wouldnt exist so it WOULD stop
ok it 100% would but still not gone hapen
then there wouldnt be enough vegetables for the whole world!

ps: animals suck. they are supposed to be eaten.
ehm, there would be enough vegetables :D

animals require more water and nutrition than plants
ah fuck, I threw my last chickenwing away thanks to this video.
The girl looked tasty. Can't wait to get some good meat for Christmas dinner and stuff.
Damn, still makes you think:)
men ditt värdelösa fanskap
om du inte har nåt vettigt att säga, kan du väl låta bli att kommentera...
men lilla du världen har större problem än att folk äter kött...
plus hur många skulle förlora sitt jobb på grund av att alla slutar köpa och äta kött
sen skulle en stor mat prudukt försvinna världen över vilket skulle leda till större efter frågan på andra mat sorter och högst upp sitter nån smart jävel märker detta chock höjer alla priser och dom stackars slaktar familjerna skulle inte ha något jobb inte några pengar för att köpa den mat dom heböver för att överleva
kunde vara en poäng, om inte vi redan hade sånt överflöd av mat i rika länder

+ skattepengar går redan till bönder för att all mat ska kosta mindre
så det kostar redan hur mycket som helst, skulle inte vara nån skillnad om det ändrades
ja men om det inte skulle det då inte vara bättre om du engagerade dig att få mat till dom fattiga länderna då iställe?
det är lite utanför mitt räckhåll
och detta är inte det...
Om du nu så gärna vill göra en skillnad börja med dom hemlösa i svergie... visst du kan skaffa nån fadder unge i uganda men allvarligt talat vem kommer det hjälp i verkligheten...
Skaffa en fader" lodis" hjälp honom/henne att komma tillbaka i verkligheten med jobb och dylikt, i ställe för att försöka konvertera mängder hjälp en och hjälp han väl. så kanske du kommer märka att det kommer ge dig mer tillförställelse än något annat vem vet till och med jag kanske kommer lyssna på dig om du lyckas med detta
Competely BULLSHIT! Human being is made for eating meat. It is clinically tested and proofed. Vegetarians have usually lesser intelligence and in danger to have many diseases.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6180753.stm :
"Intelligent children are more likely to become vegetarians later in life, a study says.
Researchers said it could explain why people with higher IQ were healthier as a vegetarian diet was linked to lower heart disease and obesity rates.
Vegetarians were more likely to be female, to be of higher occupational social class and to have higher academic or vocational qualifications than non-vegetarians."
Pfff. If you want to be a vegetarian, fine. But don't try to force it on other people. I think chicken is one of the nicest things to eat but you don't hear me screaming to everyone that they should eat chicken. Hmmkay.
so Im forcing you to be a vegetarian ?

the statement you made is 100% wrong

in what way, am I forcing you to become a vegetarian
tell me that please.

I was simply saying "watch and learn"

meaning that IF you are interested, WATCH the video, and decide for yourself when you finished watching it
that is in NO way forcing my beliefs on anyone
Jajajaja. Some sad video with dark slaughterhouses and whatever, I know the drill.
have you ever seen an animal IRL ?
Meat rocks , I'm gonna eat some frikandelle brb!
Where can I download some hax?

brb going to shop to buy some chicken.
oh well, why dont you tell me what you really think, instead of trying to be funny?
Well, I guess by eating organic meat, which is grown in outdoor, it's ok. However, I think most people don't because it's more expensive.
it's atleast A LOT better :)
Yea, in Switzerland we got tons of labels like that, which guarantee they have been fed with appropriate food, had enough space blabla.
Its just fact that if they dont torture the animals, they dont taste good. Come on, they are animals.
I just feel bad watching animals being tortured, I dont know why, but I dont want to support it, so I dont eat meat

are you saying you could torture an animal , you personally, just to make it taste better ?
Nah, im just being an idiot. But what can you do, i love beef.
make an effort, eat vegetables and live longer :)

you can still eat

pizza and many other nice things
+ you live longer with this healthier diet :)
well, u call us cruel but so is nature...i understand we are eating to much of it, we don' t need that much but i think that the electric shock that they are being giving atm is ALOT less painfull than getting killed in nature...lol most animals eat others while they are still alive...snakes don't kill there victims but the acids in it's body does it which is a pretty slow proces...a bunch of lions tair parts of the flesh of a zebra while it's still alive... think about that for a sec :P i'm not telling vegetarism is bad or that we should eat as much meat as we do atm...
nature is cruel yes, but I have a brain and I have emotions

I feel sad for animals being tortured on my behalf, thats why I dont eat meat, I think it is wrong to kill

but ofc I cant explain that to a lion

but I CAN to a human, thats why Im trying

killing is still killing, people die in wars and of hunger and from poverty, it all starts with how you think. If you are fine with killing something just to eat it, fine...but then Im not surprised that we live in such a violent society and people not caring for others
well, u do have a point there
just do what you can

people usually just eat meat for dinner, so it cant be THAT important to them

remember, there is protein in potatoes, pasta, rice and basically everything else, cheese is very protein rich , so is beans, and for snacks, peanuts are 25% protein

lenny/x86 die/pepper/andy/...etc. check this:




now sleep well and fuck ET community up futher loves Impulz
Ive seen it before, why ?
just wanted you to see it nothing more!
had a nice sleep btw?
obviously you wanted me to see it, its a video, and you replied to a comment with a video

I asked why
just wanted you to see it because it's similar to your video and i was shocked after seeing it and i hoped you maby would get a hartattack or something xD (kiddin ofc)
only buy organic meat :)
i <3 meat
I dont understand how you can joke about it

I bet you wouldnt want to live in a tiny cage for a few months, just to be someones food
<3 MakKwak's (not MacDonald's)hamburgers with two steaks
you are so funny !
eating meat = nature.. how do u think people survived in the stoneage ? meat, yes.. it might seem cruel now because of the intellect and emotions we've grown, but its still nature..

its okay that u are a vegaboy, but dont push us to become one, and yes you do push us by replying to every fucking comment!

no offense..
sorry if I challenge your way of thinking...

but its not neccesary to eat meat nowdays to stay alive

and its blatently obvious that humans are MUCH better off NOT eating meat, which says to me that we shouldnt eat meat at all

and only carnivores solely eat meat, humans are omnivores
we CAN eat meat, but we digest plants MUCH easier
we have brains , which we should use...we are not driven , just by our instincts anymore.

if you went by just the facts, you wouldnt eat meat, cause its not very healthy for you.
actually it IS healthy for u.. WELL prepared that IS..
animal fat and cholesterol isnt healthy to eat...
There is no fuckin way 2 torture animals ....
imo every single creature needs the fkin rights 2 have enough space to move.....
but i think its ok to eat meat because its the cycle of the nature..
the problem is mass-production and the keeping of animals.

trust me i worket as butcher for 5 years ....most of you fuckin-flaming-"we are so funny"-kids will cry when u work 1 day in a slaughterhouse
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