Geography game !

How bout we do a little geography game?

My first try:
image: firsttrydj9

My third try:
image: thirdtryxm5

Closest to a location:
image: record9kmeg0

Post your records !
the map is a too small

would love to see americans do this one :D
Europe is a country, right ?
naaah... it's a city ;[
village actually...
they don't have electricity
That's what makes it a bit difficult, and much more fun tbh =]
94 for me, and I am relatively good in geography. ;)

Americans learn American geography, Europeans learn world geography... Same thing with history, though to a slightly smaller extent. Also, in Europe the physical distance between countries is usually minuscule compared to the distance between America and other countries. In North America there is hardly the constant exposure to neighbouring countries that Europeans get.

In other words, blame the system not the people.
The people created the system, blame the people.
The few control the system, not the majority of people.
The people voted for those few, blame the people!
Haha, well the democracy in America is hardly perfect... There are a lot of idiots there, but can't that be said of anywhere?
If you say "lots" I must say no. :-[

Proof that there are lots of idiots around the world:
You don't have to be an idiot to cheat and get caught, maybe some of them are less idiotic because they get real lifes instead of playing a free game without any money 24/7 to be good. x-]

And check on pbbans, half of the ones banned there is americans, that is just a random list of many(notice, not all) that is banned and known on the community.

But in a way you are right, you would also be right if you pasted the userlist.
Ruining a game for others for your own benefit or enjoyment is immature, immoral, and, ultimately, stupid. If you're cheating to be seen as good, or even just to boost your ego then I highly doubt you have "life".

That makes sense, since about half the people that play ET are Americans. Is it that hard to accept that stupidity is randomly distributed throughout the world?
It is not, there exist stupidity everywhere but America is the collection of good and bad, many very rich peoples, many very poor people, many very smart people, many very stupid people, many very ugly people, many very sexy people, many very fat people, many very slim people, many highschool dropouts, many highly educated people.

But overall, the bad sides are the greater sides, I have been there for 4 weeks and under that period I learned quite much about them. Their average stupidity is way higher than in sweden, denmark, germany, spain. Same with their language and grammar.
Again, that is the fault of the system. For example, if the education system was improved, there would be less stupid people. People are not born stupid. Geographical location (ie. USA) in itself has no effect on stupidity.
Location might not matter, but the people who lives in the location is, breeding and inbreeding is a fact. Everyone is not born the same way, but some seems to think so, science of racial differences is a fact.
I would say the surrounding people and environment have the largest effect. Think about it, the US has plenty of immigrants from around the world, yet they often become just as stupid as other Americans.

Anyway, America is not the worst in any of these aspects, it is just the most powerful.
174,522 :X
my closest was 14 km :D
Traveler IQ: 98 :((((
If you really had such a high score, you would've posted a pic. Grow up please, nobody thinks ur funny.
I suck at geography, made it to lvl 4(and my mx518 froze for 3 sec's wtf, can't be broken after 6 months) :-X
i clicked 48km away from van gogh museum in nl!

edit: 20 away from that random battle in uk

edit: 15 from manchester!
some locations are wrong

and how are you supposed to name some islands that are not even visible on the map, like micronesia? :D
Same way as you locate the cities :x

Either knowledge or guessing =)

EDIT: what locations are wrong?
some locations are wrong

i suck at geo :(
Like what locations?
they put cologne germany in the netherlands

they put brussels between france and england

generally mistakes cos the map are too small i guess...
Hi Rhand :oOO
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