U tube music vids

I tell u guys wat...I just got in from a club and every second song was a Ramones tune. U can post all ya fooking likes in here bout music but this is wat its all about...prolly the best band eva imo....RIP Dee Dee my boy....and Joey u'll live foreva......


or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLahs7yCprQ&feature=related

or even better this:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLWGSRQrbQs&feature=related

and this is for the et community:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XJZM0k7Q-Q&feature=related

fuckin quality...bb

and I seen em live :-)
what a total load of arse!!!
lol, know whats too funny? I didn't even notice its u who made this thread xD

<3 ramones
u slacker!!!!!<3
What's so great about this band except for being the first of their kind?
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