deepfreez is back

fr4n = deepfreez is back with his first ET nick

02([email protected]02)12
11 —› AR|DeepFreez 12opped in #smg
11 —› AR|DeepFreez 12voiced in #crossfire #e²
11 —› AR|DeepFreez 12reg in #AgonyRealm #cdap.aut #et.gather #smg.QW
11 —› AR|DeepFreez 12using * 02(12QuakeNet IRC Server02)12
11 —› AR|DeepFreez 12authed as "auid"

(22:53:52) —› Fabio` is "pjtor_slvit" ([email protected])
(22:53:52) —› Fabio` voiced in #crossfire
(22:53:52) —› Fabio` reg in #massacre #mysnooze #rewind.rtcw #vagrants
(22:53:52) —› Fabio` using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(22:53:52) —› Fabio` authed as "auid"

Deepfreez = Fr4n = int3r = interfuse = fabio
Thank you for sharing this valuable piece of information with us.
how did you find out mr sherlock!?
me skillz got
he is so SICK !
i has never heard of any of those names!
fish never come out the sea!
Thank you for sharing this valuable piece of information with us.
Thank you for sharing this valuable piece of information with us.
och ne wat ne sünde :(
infect just busted me :S
remember this Pjotr from tm? it was few days after u quited
mth pjoter?
nah, this guy with zillion identifies aka deepfreez used that nickname a while ago in massacre (was kicked few days later, reason: using nexus -> unexpected..)
1st there wasnt any pjter in massacre after me
2nd i used invoke 2
3rd u dont know shit so dont play misterallknown here k?
how the fuck i don't know shit, as i can see here you played under handle Pjotr in massacre, actually i played few wars with you

edit: where i said there wes Pjotr after you?
Thats not possible :)
Thank you for sharing this valuable piece of information with us.
'tm.Fabio -> 'tm.InterFuse -> 'tm.Pjotr

i lol'd!
(21:38:36) (Fabio`) Sheep`
(21:38:46) (Sheep`) fuck yourself deepfreeze
(21:39:13) (Fabio`) AHAHA
(21:39:16) (Fabio`) fucking ugly playa
(21:39:21) (Fabio`) nice watch u have
(21:39:28) (Fabio`) did u cost 1 pound?
(21:40:03) (Sheep`) it probably weighs more than your brain :x
(21:40:07) (Sheep`) ciao bella
(21:40:33) (Fabio`) at least i dont own milions for the mirror
(21:40:34) (Fabio`) xD
(21:41:05) (Sheep`) hilarious joke, shame that jesus used the same one when he met the 3rd wise man
(21:41:16) (Fabio`) blabla
(21:41:19) (Sheep`) take care mate, gl finding a game
(21:41:21) (Sheep`) cya!
(21:41:21) (Fabio`) ur ugly
(21:41:30) (Fabio`) go wank off uglymothafucka
(21:41:32) (Fabio`) ignored.

gotta love him :D
never knew ^jesus was able to make jokes!
is he still going to cdc4?
Don't see point of this thread.
He's not gonna play ET again in any clans / competitions , maybe some pracs for fun but its obvious that he wont play in clans / offis after this shit :)
I don't defend him or anything but leave this shit already its pointless.
I'm off.
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