Just bought...

image: g_00040193


image: 1268

Going to get some breakfast now!
what is that like a pc-case or what?
looks like my 486dx ! n1 choose evan!
I had to get out of bed early, so i don't miss my new pc parts arriving :<
HTPC? nice :p
Transferring my normal PC over into something a little bit more sexy and a lot easier to move around! Generally got some money and wanted to spend it on something PC orientated as well. Thinking of picking up an eee pc laptop as well ^^

image: LT-155-AS_400
they should just make the eee screen a bit larger (use the black borders to create widescreen)

and I would prefer a larger HDD but you can also use an external 2,5" HDD for that.

* also thinking of buying a eee pc, would be great for stupid/basic school/browsing/msn work
There are rumours that a second generation of the machine with a bigger screen is in the works as we speak! There is a 8GB version as well, but that isn't any better, but most if not all things can be sorted with an external hd/mp3 player as you say. Been thinking about getting one for ages now as well. :P
I realy dislike large laptops (15" or bigger) because laptops are made for mobility and not for preformance imo.

and 7" should be perfect, and the HDD doesn't have to be ultra huge for this laptop because u won't use it for games which need 4 gig or smth but a 20 gig HDD would be nice.

but if they would use a 20 gig HDD the price would be much higher so I think they made a good decission with a small HDD.
Well I read that from the machine the largest factor in the price is the screen, and that despite being only 7" is quite volatile and something Asus can't do about at the moment. Means you've to be conscious about what you download etc, but the fact it's linux means compatibility and adding more programmes is kinda impossible anyway.

Talking about it, is making me want to buy it....:{{
almost verything is possiible on linux, you've got a program for everything just liek in windows it only got another name and maybe less functionality but some programs are also alot better.

it depends on what you wanna do with it for an office/school laptop linux should be np, if you want to play games then you will need windows but with the specs of the eee you can't even play games so why use windows.
hi cheater
buy SK.etqw
ETQW has next to no chance :"{
looks really ugly n1 choice :>
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