Alan Wake...

well after checking i just saw the poll...

Which new game are you most looking forward to ?

Team Fortress 2
Enemy Terriroty : Quakewars
Unreal tournament III
World In Conflict
Call of Duty 4
Alan Wake

Hellgate London

screenshots mphhhmm :)

since the trailer i wait for this game the most... Alan Wake

good to see not just me...
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eh DONT EDIT :'(
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looks pretty good. reminds me of the (awesome) Silent Hill series..
lol ye, Silent Hill ownz... and Obsecure etc :P
Without even checking I'm guessing it's on the source engine, means I won't like it automatically!
I lold
I lold

GFX of this game are even better than crysis graphics, it has an own engine ;)

Mb u shud check out the newest HD footage (not the older, since that's on another crappier engine), and you'll be amazed. This goes way beyond what the source engine is capable of, and is sometimes even capable of creating photorealistic scenes (just like watching a video). Also, the gameplay seems to be fantastic.

I think this will be one of the best games coming out next year.
Just look at CoD4 and see what an eight year old engine is capable of producing. Age has nothing to do with it. For me, that looks a lot like the source engine! Just a hunch ;)
actually the engine DOES matter
cod4's gfx aren't that good at all, the textures are uber low-res, the antialiasing doesn't do it's job well, the lightning isn't that good, shading is bad, etc etc...

The age of the engine does matter, since eight years back we didn't have the techniques we have these days. Take for example the crysis2 engine, it's capable of creating HDR, using HDRI textures, generating realistic water, generating living vegitation, realistic A.I, realistic physics, correctly calculated lightning and shading (including soft-shading), able to handle mega-textures (only with a different name), and I can continue like this forever. Then take in mind that the Alan Wake engine is capable of creating even more advanced graphics, and there you have your answer :)
So clueless really, you do realize that even ET has HDR lighting in one of the mods (not et pro)? You're obviously one of these nerds who are impressed by the quite ridiculous paper thin appeal of games like that, games are for playing, not looking at. CoD4 DOES have good graphics.

I mean some of the stuff you said, eg, 'using HDMI textures', I mean, what? You do realize that HDMI is a connection standard and has nothing to do with being a graphics feature. It's the increased bandwidth offered by the connection that allows for a higher level of graphics and to a certain extent, sound, since we're talking about HDMI.
Whoops, said HDMI, actually meant HDRI ^^, just a typo

And insulting isn't needed man, I mean wtf, I thought we were discussing seriously, but it seems you're just another crossfire-geek with inet ballz :/

And btw, about the HDR lighting @ True Combat Elite, u DO realize that it's simulated by a low luminance value, since the engine can't handle higher values ;)
'I lold
I lold'

Disregarding the feature because of a technicality doesn't make your point any better.
Yes it does actually ;/
Photorealistic scenes are still quite far away in the future. I mean, look at Beowulf: 70 million spent creating the film, and it still looks like plastic.

No doubt Remedy will create a cutting edge engine (again), but you're just overhyping things.
Quote...and is sometimes even capable of creating photorealistic scenes...

Ofcourse it's not capable of doing that, exept for some moments when you only have the basics in sight (the calculated stuff like clouds + water + some vegitation), then you can't distinct it from real life anymore.
Read again. There's still a huge gap between photorealism and games. Alan Wake, in any form or situation, is far from reaching it.
W/e u want m8, not into discussion about something this random atm ;/
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