problem with tft/gfx

i get some wierd orange boxes in my new TFT (samsung syngmaster 205bw if that's necessary) , it worked couple days without any problems and today i opened my pc and there just instantly appeared these boxes.. so uhm anyone know's what it could be about? someone said it might be the GFX also, as it has started keeping more noise than before :s

well duh help me

hey ps i just got unbanned o/!
syncmaster you mean?
"and today i opened my pc and there just instantly appeared these boxes.. "

There were boxes in your PC ? :o
ah you know what i mean. :E
Make a screenshot :DD
have you overclocked your gfx card?

could be overheating
i see you have a nvidia card, so use the nvidia control panel to check it's temperature

edit: i've just read that perfo is back, so ask him
i reinstalled my drivers and monitor-drivers, case solved ty :)

edit: i've just read that perfo is back, so ask him

COOL! free HL2: The Orange box in the pc!
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