Another FM08 journal!!!11

Godverdomme etc. Good day.

I have a big problem in my FM08. I play as a second division team in Sweden and I have noticed a huge wage bug. Some of my players have astronomical wages. And these are not the kinda wages you have in a swedish second division first of all, and second to that It's just not some wages the game has spiced up a little. It's so high I'm going around 2 million swe crowns minus per month.

Has anybody experienced this in some teams, that players out of the lineup or even youth players has got some extreme wages?
How much is 2 million Swe Crowns to pounds/euros?
1 euro = 1 kr divided by 10.
Not exactly, but close to.
1 € = 0.1 kr?
Oops, my mistake, not devide, multiply with 10:P
all clear

nice deleting skills btw
I dont know where my mind is today, first I wrote a reply witch was totally wrong, when I noticed I was gonna edit it, but accitently hit the delete button, so I ended up just deleting it and making a new reply.

Please dont make fun of me for being mentaly retarded :(
Around 215.000 euro.
A regular wage as a player in the Swedish second division is around 50.000 SEK (5700 euro)

I have 1 player taking out a wage per month of 365 000 SEK (39250 euro). 4 players around 250-290 000 SEK (roughly 28000 euro) and one youth player cashing in 122 000 SEK (13555 euro).
Aww, now im kinda disapointed.
I thought you where gonna write a journal about how you got banned from our server in hope to get some comfort from your assbuddys here on crossfire :(
Heyheyhey, jokes old btw! <o/
Did u install the latest patch ?
Yeah I've done that. The full patch that is.
Hmm , I don't really know it than. I'm playing with Manchester United after I installed the latest patch and their wages are pretty accurate.
I dont think this is the best site to ask for help, there is so many ppl here that is just flaming all the time.
But maybe you can try the netcoders forum,
Im sure they'll help a fellow cheater like yourself. :)
Good one. But I'm going to bed!
Tired already?
I dont understand how you can be tired when you play a game and lets some program do all the work for you...

Well, I guess its just to much for your little brain to handle all the colors flashing by on the screen.

gg wp, gn :)
Have it ever crossed your mind that I actually didn't cheat? :)
This ain't over nigger! Cya!
Maybe you didnt cheat this time, but who cares?
You cheated atleast once and thats reason enough to keep doing this :)

Gonna watch Death Proof now, cya later =)
Oho, lying are we? ;-p
That I would never do my good sir! What I said to him was that maybe I didn't cheat in the 6on6 I played vs Avalanche and his posse!
Ah =)
He's just a bad loser then. I will come to Sweden and kick his ass !!!
Hehe, you rock mister! :D
I never said that he cheated in that scrim.
And I'm not a sore loser sence it was a draw, 2-2 :)
Well if you have a team that have been recently "religated" nerflyttad they will mostlikely or atleast most of them have one div higher wages...
Hey there Svennis! How are you doing?
I'm playing with GIF Sundsvall. And since I live in Sundsvall and support GIF Sundsvall irl I have a resonable insight in how and what should be correct. And this is madness. :(
har hört andra gnälla om sundsvalls löner verkar som det har blivit nån miss nånstans det ända du nog kan göra är att starta om och fin justera lite med editorn sen ska det tydligen finnas nått som heter "saved game editor" så du slipper starta om kan nog hitta en på men se upp för dom eftersom man kan bli rätt makt galen med ett sånt verktyg "micke lustig är kung"
Ok, jo får väl gå in där och justera lite. Dock måste jag ju starta om helt och hållet, ligger 20 millar back efter denna säsong! :(
Och vad hindrar dig från att fuska dig till lite pengar?

btw, Det gör mig ledsen i ögat att du ignorerade mig förut :(
Förlåt gubben. Ska inte ignorera dig mer! ;)
Men nu ska jag inte lyssna på dina smutsiga förslag att fuska här, been there done that before and It's not my thing nuggah!
Vad är det du kallar mig?
Neger eller nuggan?

Vet inte vilket som är värst faktiskt^_^
Nuggah är ju ett lite skönare negeruttal av niggah. Du måste ju komma in i svängen! ;D
Ber om ursäkt för att jag är lite efter, brukar inte hänga med nazigänget i stan.
Men för fan, du ska ju hänga med negergängen!
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