London football tickets

So my boss decided that he'd love to see a good game of football in London sometime soon, and wants to take some of us to the game. A prolonged weekend or something like that. There are travelagencies who arrange everything from DK, but its a) expensive b)they can't garantee that we get placed next to eachother at the games.

Is it possible to buy tickets online?

We've been looking at Tottenham - Man Utd on 02.02.08 or Tottenham - Chelscum on 23.02.08. Maybe Arsenal - villa in march. In any case, will those games be sold old quickly or can we get tickets when arriving at stadium?
id go for manchester!
It's premier League , u won't get the tickets at stadium I guess.
Buy them online.
Go to the Hammers!
im going to the hammers on 28.12 :DDD
come to celtic park on a European night, as were now at least guaranteed a UEFA cup place :)

parkhead @ euro night = the win.
We are actually considering a Celtic-game. My boss mostly want to go because of the atmosphere, and a Celtic - Rangers game would be nice for that. But I guess those tickets are long gone. A Uefa cup game would be nice aswell. Who knows, you might end up facing a danish team. That would be nice :)
watch out for a ticket at the upcomming European Championship in Austria/Switzerland!
- oh, wait, forgot something - dont mind xD
dutchs r not allowed to laugh about! remember last world cup xD
I think we're going to get slaughtered this EC, with Italy, France and Romania in our group :\
u allready got tix?
coming to switzerland?
yeah, i´ll get some since u promised me some :D
Tottenham - Man Utd would be nice. you would ave to buy em online i guess.check there site
dont listen to daze, tottenham are shit, somthing like arsenal v manu, the best way to get tickets is to go direct to club or ticket master, if you get me a ticket i will gladly arrange it all for you and show you around london.
then rape ure children. herbal style
wanna to go get drink 20 bottles of white star, piss it back into the bottles and then drink it again ? thats the scottish way right ?
Thx for the offer, I'm not sure my boss will pay for you though :)

One of my co-workers is a huge Tottenham fan, that's why. I just saw Tottenham almost lose to shitty AaB, so I completely agree with you on them being shite. :)
it's fairly complicated to get tickets to premiership matches when you aren't an official fan of the club and as far as local games like Tottenham-Chelsea go then those are sold out to fans almost immediately and they never even go on public sale.
a) you can pay 3x the original ticket price at the stadium(around £150)
b) look for games which are not that popular, i.e. bolton, derby etc, those tickets are available to non-fanclub-members as well
c) look for cup matches(fa cup, carling cup) and those are usually not that popular and tickets are also available to non-members

the last option is the best in my opinion, because in 1.5 years i've been to three United games and all of them have been cup games, all the other's are just sold out.

herbal's suggestion to go and see arsenal v manu is a wild dream, you need to become an official member(for united that's 10 £ish a month for a year) or pay a megaprice at the stadium before the match

i have also heard about international fan clubs for bigger teams, try to find if there are anything like that for biggers clubs in denmark, maybe they can arrange you some tickets
Yeah agree , The topnotch games are always soldout & tickets won't be sold @ nonmembers , only the people with clubcards etc. can buy those tickets & people with a seasoncard.
its £30 for a seasons membership for manutd btw ;)
As written above, my boss wants to go for the atmosphere. But the rest of us want some good football, so Derby and Bolton games are not that interesting :)

It sounds like there's a good reason as to why those travelagencies charge so much for the tickets. There's no real way to get them otherwise :/ We'll probably end up buying them through such an agency as they also organize hotels etc.

Thx for the input.
i can get tickets, mostly cause my company has a box, or because im not a retard, or because i has the moneys. either way its not a wild dream.
buy them onlline. spurs chelsea will be sold out, spurs manu probs sold out as well. your best bet is arsenal vs vill
nice boss you have XD
Considering the 4-day-all-paid trip to Madrid he gave us + wifes/GF's back in September, I'd have to agree :))

Its not a place I want to leave anytime soon :)
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