little discription..... fubr cup by jezix ^^

After a struggling time, we have finally got a winner to the first fubr autumn cup.
In the final we saw two very skilled and experienced teams that with talent and a bit of luck (;]) beat the rest and made it into the grande final. The first team making it into the final was GENiaal, keeping an admirable clean slate through-out the whole cup. The opponent of GENiaal had to be waited for some while. The three contestants were FUBR, VDP and ofc. After some very tight and exciting games, Deltharac with the assistance of healer, who joined ofc later in the cup, ofc managed to fight its way to the grande final, after beating VDP in a sizzling match the day before in the LooserBracket final.

The final match started off with supply depot. Both teams attacked very well and bullets were all over the place, despite the rather low number of players on the field. The VERY tight first map ended up going to ofc, winning it by a mere 2 seconds or so. GEN player maanj:
QUOTE (maanj)
It was a 15 hp difference

Second map was frostbite. Ofc had shown in the LB final that they are very strong on this map and this was once again proved by their strong time of 4 minutes or so. GEN has a tight spot here, they had 4 mins to get that objective to the radio station, or they would lose the gold. Frostbite was another very entertaining match and they approximate 12 people or so spectating the match were in for a real treat. The map had a very radical end as under 10 seconds on the clock maanj jumps down the ladder and reaches for the radio station when suddenly deltharac jumps out and desperately blocks maanj from getting the obj done. Seconds go by, 5...4...3...2... and by some miracle I have never seen before, the obj is transfered through deltharac (you gotta eat some more dude) winning the map for GEN. VERY VERY TIGHT MAP once again.

The last map had to be called with a map elimination. Adlernest was chosen. We were gonna be in for one hell of a show as the final map of fubrCup '07 Autumn was loading.

GEN attacked first, quickly blasting the doors open and getting a fast time of a few seconds under 3 mins. Lottonest had once again proven its name. OFC was in for a hard 3 mins to win the cup. They managed to get the doors blown with just under 2 mins to go. Time ticked down, GEN kept stopping the attacks from ofc. 25 seconds to go, deltharac almost slips away through spawn, only to be shot down by GEN, which was the beginning of the end. Timer went down, 10...6....4...3...2...1...0.. And its over. The first FubrCup had seen its first winner. boys mecreax and maanj i.e. team Geniaal was victorious. 4-2 the final score. CONGRATULATIONS TO GEN from all of FUBR]
what game?
Lol mecreax and maan

both old clanmates :o

nick toch van l4 ofzoiets ? xD
Ja mecreax ;d

ook van SSK dachtek zelfs :D
sorry, i dont like ur realname mine > urs
lol'd :D
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