
I can't hit the ppl when they are playing as rifle, but when they are playing as smg I can.
Why? :<
it the size of the gun, riffle protects more body then a smg, thats why !!
because the rifle is so big and blocks the bullets.
wtf :D than you must play rifle to nP4Help
nono, rifle isn't my style at all :d
when you was a kid you was scared with a long k43 weapon?
maybe :D maybe he wants to put it to my ass!! :P
poor guy
would be deep
more knockback, same for me :p
when a k43 hits you it's pretty much diffrent screen shake than smg, which disturb your tracking, prolly
your expecting him to react differntly
They move more in duel
k43 knockback (=movement) is huge. Moving objects are not antilagged in the ET engine. The knockback + antilag causes prediction errors.

Basicly rifle owns everything at close range. Afaik it does 40damage for bs and 60 for hs? There's no need to track, just point and click aim, which allows for more varied movement. The weapons spread is constant unlike the smg which builds up with every shot fired. Also the reload is ridiculously fast.

One last 'advantage' (at least Komar and Acozz use this :) is that the riflenade isnt antilagged. What this means is that ppl with high ping will shoot the riflenade (not bullets, but nade) at you, but the time you get to react is smaller. Same as laggers changing weapons, they seem to switch weapons jsut a tad faster which is just the same as the riflenade: it istn antilagged so you perceive the riflenade / weaponswitch as 100ms faster.

Its exactly the same with panzerfaust and high ping, but in that case it makes pf more difficult as those perfect spawnraping shots will be dependend on your ping. (hi tox)

Good riflers know how to abuse these things and will do things you would never be able to

The ET rifle is just overpowered :)
if it's rly the way you desscribed it i omfg'd :o
No, I just pulled 10 lines of text out of my ass. Consider it a hobby.
Could be that you're wrong...:<
I dont think so.

Rifle has constant spread = 100% sure
Rifle has huge knockback = 100% sure
Riflenades arent antilagged = 100% sure
Rifle has reloadtime of luger = 100% sure
Rifle is overpowered = 100% sure
Rifle is a bad thing = dunno

Just do the math. Have a rifle shoot for 30 seconds. Have one smg shoot for 30 seconds. At short range the rifle will deal more damage/sec than any other weapon. (mg would pwn rifle if only it didnt have such long reload times + it isnt as versatile as rifle)

If you would take 1000 random ET games and look at the stats, the riflenader will on average have the most damage given / kills compared to any other class.
do consider that playing rifle on mid/far distance is pretty hard and needs experience much more than shooting long range with smg.
and yes, they do have rifle nades for that but dont forget a rifle also got to do objective
With scope it's even better, 50 damage instead of 34 and 100 instead of 54/68 ;)
:DDDDDDDDDDDD made me laugh for 10 secs awhehehe tnx over <3
you are serious about croatians lagging... We have a stable ping on every german or dutch server. We don't lag, get it in your head it's just rnade skill :D
Riflenade isnt antilagged. You get a 150ms (average croatian ping) advantage.
can i have some screenshots where I have 150 ping?
since when does croatia have 150 ping :D
Afaik is started after n1ce.et died
wtf 150 average ping? n1 info
now youve got the croation fury on u xD
actualy croats have stable ping, ~50 on europe servers, ints a little bit different on uk and spain servers, but it never gets above 100.

about predictions errors, they happen with every weapon (and yes rifle is the worst example), but its something people like about et or any game. They like to abuse bugs, ofc its easier to learn how to do something then to get skill, nothing you can do about it then learn to live with it :(

oh and even if we put aside how powerful rifle is, its still totally imba class if you consider its like a panzer that can shoot behind corners, shoot twice as often, has no slower movement penaltys, can plant landmines and dyna and defuse them as well.
Its a class without you cant imagine any moment of et cw.
I remember playing in a clan with lowskilled rifle, and komar mercing for us few wars (that was over a year ago) - it was difference between winning and loosing.

7/10 rifle>>>> 10/10 medic
the 150 ping is a j/k

And I love riflers imho. Although they get the lotto kills once in a while its less annoying than the RTCW pf :)
I've heard the rifle doesn't have turnspread, although cg_crosshairpulse seems to disagree with that. However it also disagrees with spread that comes from jumping, so it's not to be completely trusted - what do you think?
Rifle spread is constant. It might be affected by jumping but even in that case it is still pretty accurate on short range.
Although I agree and do take advantage of some of the things you mentioned, the rifle is in no way shape or form over powered at all.
Look at the statistics. If you would take 1000 SC games you would get 50 - 50 chances of Terran vs Zerg, 50-50 chances of Terran vs Protoss and 50 - 50 chances of Protoss vs Zerg.

When you look at the statistics of classes in ET, the rifler will always have the most damage and kills / per minute, even on radar where most teams only use it to keep the CP.
Of course that would've nothing to do with riflers being good players! The best riflers have excelled at smg as well, I fail to see the point. Good players do high damage, it just so happens that a good percentage of them choose to play rifle! I hope you can follow my line of thinking here.
Just realized it was you! Stop changing your nick ;(
omg, bad warpers!
Hi Leonneke
because the riffle and in particular the rifflenade is the biggest mistake in ET!!!
true story...
dutch = ban plz
for me it was always some i don't know, "stress"? :P, I knew that smg was better than rifle in 1vs1 and vision of lost duel was just unacceptable, so my aim was a lil bit fcuked :D
on long range perhaps, otherwise that's just not true...
when u have rifle u got +25% to avoid bullets its overpowerd but still not updated

so if u debuff him first u can own him
rifle > all
its just because im skilled as fuck
is fuck skilled ?

where is the "not" ? ^^
They move more than smgers

Smg guys run in a straight line forward or backwards and a rifle moves more sidely :)
I'm moving sideways in both cases but I noticed I move a lot more with rifle as I don't need to aim that much and it's like "omg he's got more bullets in his clip, i gotta dodge fast as hell" so it motivates me :D
Yah , I know , I also move that much when im engi low hp SMG :>
Not rly. Smg runs left to right to reduce spread (movementaim). Riflers dont need to move in a certain way to increase accuracy, and they benefit a lot from up close fights. Just spec some good riflers and you will see them +attack, +forward a lot.
I said they move more sidely than SMG

I never said that they move in a certain way to increase accuracy

And I never said they didnt move forward

QuoteSmg guys run in a straight line forward or backwards

I mostly dissagreed on that part :)
K , they mostly move that way , fine ?
cuz riflers are fags+ when they hit you ur xhair fly's up like 25 feet
made me lol :D
ty jestes kochany
omgpolska ban!
yez yez banbanban!

kannst du polnisch? oda war das gegoogelt?:D
ich bin geborener pole, meine sprachkenntnisse sind aber äußerst "begrenzt"
ich bin gebürtiger deutscher, doch behersche ich die sprache mündlich recht gut :P
nice journal
Didn't you say you had played this game for 3 years?

Okay then I will repeat, it is to make the rifle not so weak.
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