4 Dec 2007, 20:14
I can't hit the ppl when they are playing as rifle, but when they are playing as smg I can.
Why? :<
Why? :<
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
would be deep
Basicly rifle owns everything at close range. Afaik it does 40damage for bs and 60 for hs? There's no need to track, just point and click aim, which allows for more varied movement. The weapons spread is constant unlike the smg which builds up with every shot fired. Also the reload is ridiculously fast.
One last 'advantage' (at least Komar and Acozz use this :) is that the riflenade isnt antilagged. What this means is that ppl with high ping will shoot the riflenade (not bullets, but nade) at you, but the time you get to react is smaller. Same as laggers changing weapons, they seem to switch weapons jsut a tad faster which is just the same as the riflenade: it istn antilagged so you perceive the riflenade / weaponswitch as 100ms faster.
Its exactly the same with panzerfaust and high ping, but in that case it makes pf more difficult as those perfect spawnraping shots will be dependend on your ping. (hi tox)
Good riflers know how to abuse these things and will do things you would never be able to
The ET rifle is just overpowered :)
Rifle has constant spread = 100% sure
Rifle has huge knockback = 100% sure
Riflenades arent antilagged = 100% sure
Rifle has reloadtime of luger = 100% sure
Rifle is overpowered = 100% sure
Rifle is a bad thing = dunno
Just do the math. Have a rifle shoot for 30 seconds. Have one smg shoot for 30 seconds. At short range the rifle will deal more damage/sec than any other weapon. (mg would pwn rifle if only it didnt have such long reload times + it isnt as versatile as rifle)
If you would take 1000 random ET games and look at the stats, the riflenader will on average have the most damage given / kills compared to any other class.
and yes, they do have rifle nades for that but dont forget a rifle also got to do objective
about predictions errors, they happen with every weapon (and yes rifle is the worst example), but its something people like about et or any game. They like to abuse bugs, ofc its easier to learn how to do something then to get skill, nothing you can do about it then learn to live with it :(
oh and even if we put aside how powerful rifle is, its still totally imba class if you consider its like a panzer that can shoot behind corners, shoot twice as often, has no slower movement penaltys, can plant landmines and dyna and defuse them as well.
Its a class without you cant imagine any moment of et cw.
I remember playing in a clan with lowskilled rifle, and komar mercing for us few wars (that was over a year ago) - it was difference between winning and loosing.
7/10 rifle>>>> 10/10 medic
And I love riflers imho. Although they get the lotto kills once in a while its less annoying than the RTCW pf :)
When you look at the statistics of classes in ET, the rifler will always have the most damage and kills / per minute, even on radar where most teams only use it to keep the CP.
so if u debuff him first u can own him
Smg guys run in a straight line forward or backwards and a rifle moves more sidely :)
I never said that they move in a certain way to increase accuracy
And I never said they didnt move forward
I mostly dissagreed on that part :)
kannst du polnisch? oda war das gegoogelt?:D
Okay then I will repeat, it is to make the rifle not so weak.