ET Qcup(hello hentai)

clan Desert Foxes wasnt allowed to enter the cup BECAUSE we had some players with cheater backgrounds

then why is MPG allowed to play with Keran? Another player with a cheater background ?
PLR is also allowed to play with Meez

whats up with this ? why make exceptions JUST for this clan ?
our cheating pasts are years back now, unlike some of the players that are allowed now

edit* instead of having some known and skilled clans/players in the cup, hentai decides its better to have noname clans with unknown players playing against idle and amenti, I dont get that? Why not give us a chance to play like you've given EVERYbody else ?

any admin care to write an explanation to the unfair treatment ?
Hej e t b o t
life sucks
ultimate conspiracy
Replace hentai by hentai/Rafiki
don't want him to get all the whine!
the divine conspiracy
You are surprise that Meez and nevari (ex cheats) get to play? One answer: they are friends of hentai, that is why.
this is true :<
Hahahaha. There wasn't exactly a friendly atmosphere between nevari and hentai when I played with them.
I seem to recall calling him a retard and a nigger on several occasions, didn't he kick me from the clan.... Twice? ;D
I remember you uninstalling ET after you had that huge argument on Goldrush. I can't remember who we were playing.
Yeah, I remember that game, that's when I went hardcore WoW, on my 3rd 70 now ;DD
Pfft, you loved it!
They were banned and unbanned, same situation with perfo, keran. Served their ban time, they should be allowed to play imho.
all players of my team ARE UNBANNED, so using your logic we SHOULD be able to play
i saw mize on a pub 2 nights ago using a clear wh not even trying to hide it, so please dont say your whole team is clean when u actually have no idea if they are or not.
yeah poor you.
wtf do you want, if seriously disagree.. there is something wrong with you
well I have problems being sad when someone fucking the community gets fucked back.
atleast it wasnt your brother or cat, as if anyone would actually believe you.
I fucking never played a single cb offi when I cheated, why dont you fucking look at my clanbase account and see what clans I Was in at the time and see for yourself that they were all inactive
mortal. not going to add anything else.
everyone cheating contribute to the cheating epidemic, if nobody cheated public nobody would cheat in cws tbh.
there isnt any fucking cheating epidemic, only bad players searching for reasons to get rid of players better than themselves

do you even play ET? never seen you play 3on3 or 6on6 so I doubt it, wtf do you know about it any way ?
your funny kind of retardation would be already a reason enough to keep you away from crossfire.
you are the retard here...retard

just cause I own you in ET, and all the guys in my team owns you in ET, you think we cheat

lets see at lan, you wont say shit when I pwn you there as well
heard that lan shit before... do you really think that would ever happen? :DDDDDDD
id love to see you pepper at a lan, and then remove your teeth for you.... cock
im really scared...
:) feeling strong are we?
dont be fukn ridiculus , you really that serious about fighting guys you met on the internet?

fkn shit, you must have something better to do...

how fuckn old are you any way?
no. but ive never been shy of some mouthy cunt talking crap to me, then watch him shit himself when i stand up... 99% of the time, there isnt a fight :)
Im mouthy yea, but I havnt said shit to you...
You are so funny using shit and fuck in almost every sentance you make, it doesnt really make you look cool or something... Try to type some stuff when you are not stressed out, sweaty and frustrated behind your computer, you might enjoy being around here a bit more than. I hope you take this advice, its still your FUCKING choice.
u aint going lan UNLUCKY.
srsly its funny to see a person like u making such a journal

now the worst thing is: I agree

zero tolerance or 100% tolerance, not something between!
true , but hentai dont have brains
Id say he has, he just a different opinion i dont understand yet
masculine_mans prolly wouldnt get accepted either so didnt bother to signup..
What I find a joke is that mixes are getting in over clans.
fist come first serve?
I doubt it, but maybe..
peper and alexL looking for hentai @ cdc4, your dead man
hahahahahaha :DD made my fucking day!
dont laught, they will hunt you down like an animal
why should i ?
have i said anything to hentai?

can u stop your fucking bullshit
tbh i think you'd win u look mean :<

¬ viol 90269eec
¬ Pepper b4121f2e
¬ nack 45cc6f20
¬ silenty 3d703cf1
¬ mize 41bcf4c4
¬ danone 0cc03923
¬ Iratou a6f14f3d
¬ alexL 4d994f45
¬ savage bf0e2d82

... this was the lineup you signed in with..

viol - loves to play with cheaters, was connected to fusenbust
pepper - busted under several fakenicks, guidspoofing, aimbotting, multihacking in general
nack - been banned for cheating and just recently unbanned from clanbase
silenty - not really sure whats with this guy, loves to play with cheaters and if it would depend on me, that would be reason enough for short temp ban.
mize - busted for wallhack before, has recently been busted again.
danone - his skill level has been going from med to medhigh, I'm quite sure he cheated at some point. no certain proof of that though.
iratou - played with bunch of suspicious guys and is playing for this team, nothing more to add actually
alexl - one of the infamous cheaters who likes to play with other cheaters, just recently got unbanned from cb
savage - loves to play with cheaters and has had the status of a cheater for quite some time

and you wonder why your team wasnt taken for the cup? I dont really even know why I bother to break this up for you but there ya go.

ps. unfair treatment? should've thought of that when u started cheating on praccs/public and offis.

keran plays
meez plays
nevari plays

theres a list of players

not allowed to play because CHEAT abuse
how come these players are disallowed and not keran, meez and the other ex. cheaters

use your fucking brain, and put all the ex cheaters on that list
you're talking about single players, im talking about whole team. discussion about single players will be still done, but for now your team is certainly not allowed.
lol, so they are being disallowed as well ?

atleast, you are consistant then
even if they would be allowed to play, it doesnt really concern your team. frankly, I wouldnt mind denying them to play, but might be aswell that we allow them to play.
ofc it concerns my team, cause we were disallowed cause of cheater PASTS

just as keran HAS a cheater past and meez and nevari
ok let me make this really simple for you. John has 8 apples. 7 of them are rotten.
Lisa has 7 apples. 1 of them is rotten. they both sell all the non-rotten apples for 1 euro each and throw away the rotten apples. how many euros more did Lisa earn than John?
You should be a teacher, you break things down nicely
Is silent already unbanned from clanbase? It wouldnt be fair if ex cheaters like kerAn, Meez etc etc would be allowed to play because you, nackjee and alexL are unbanned now from clanbase so you should also be able to play in my opinion.
thats what I think too :(
But is silent already unbanned from clanbase?
Then I dont know why the admins removed your team.
I totally agree decem...well said m8...btw, can u give cutty a ring and cheer him up....he worked hard to get in this cup and some twat randomly picked lowbies out of the hat :((
I will explain you all, nao

QuoteFurthermore we would like to stress that we do not welcome cheaters to the tournament! We will be utilizing the various banlists as reference and each violation of the rules will be dealt with subjectively by the administrators of this tournament.

so /wrists
im not on any fkn banlist, kkthx
they are just reference, you were on cb banlist.
lol @ lineup :D
"then why is MPG allowed to play with Keran? Another player with a cheater background ?
PLR is also allowed to play with Meez"


You're lucky i'm dignifying you with an answer first of all, but quite frankly, with keran and meez, both got banned and unbanned, and 'served their time' for their wrong doings, whereas you and others simply continued to cheat, don't you see the difference? I've never spoken to keran in my life, and quite frankly i don't really care if i ever do, but i have absolutely no personal reasons to give him any other benefits, especially considering i don't even play ET anymore. Why would i want appraisal in a game i don't play?
n1 killing ET with not letting such great and skilled players playing
/begs for forgiveness
ahhaha, I havnt cheated for 2 fkn years, keran cheated more recently than me

Im unbanned now, Im not a fkn cheater since 2 years back
just cause you cant beat us in-game, you think this convinces people that we ACTUALLY hax ?

everybody fuckn knows that we are clean now
"everybody fuckn knows that we are clean now"

I don't.
I never play you, cause you search lower skilled wars and I only play high skillz

and yes MOST people know we are clean, most SKILLED people*
most skilled people.. like who?
nobody ever fkn whines at us unless they are xfire admins or lowskill tards
why would they? it's useless. we are whining at you? you're whining at us. we removed you from the cup, its not whine, its just a decision from us. you responded to it with a bunch of whine. now cut the crap and go away.
ahhaha, Im asking for a fucking explanation for your double standards, and all you can say is that I am cheating, which is fucking wrong. Either you fucking disallow all EX. banned players or you DONT

fucking simple as...
Quote by decem
ok let me make this really simple for you. John has 8 apples. 7 of them are rotten.
Lisa has 7 apples. 1 of them is rotten. they both sell all the non-rotten apples for 1 euro each and throw away the rotten apples. how many euros more did Lisa earn than John?
gtfo with your stupid fucking comparison
im sorry that you fail to see the big picture then.
Im sry you fail at life lol...
hehe lolmao lets cheat at some free onlineshooter :::::D and whine every single moment about the fact that we are being called as cheaters ever since hehe nice life we have but still i call u failure at life :::D hehe lolmao olllelrlol.
lets cheat and own everybody, but lets then NOT cheat and STILL own everybody.. yaaAAayy
yeah, thats why I've seen you owning the shit out of everyone at so many lans with your team full of "pub" cheaters.
not allowed on lans thx..
true, cheating isnt allowed at lans, thats quite valid reason for you twats to stay far away from lans.
and how the fuck could I Cheat at LAN , please think before you speak...
only difference is, skilled team like for example idle (its players), have archived a lot in this game, without even getting banned for cheats (HOW DID THEY DO THAT?), but your skilled bunch of players have archived....nothing, except getting banned for cheats and crying for greater justice
lol, Im so impressed by their ACHIEVEMENTS

what are you, a fucking fanboy?

I still fucking own them in 3on3 and 6on6
I have rly nice quotes from idle, they got so owned
skilled, like your team?
plz, lets play then, you are not a challenge for us
ill never play you, your skill is way beyond everything i'v ever seen in this game
ahhaha, you wont play me, cause you only play med skilled wars, cause you arent good
"You're lucky i'm dignifying you with an answer first of all"

fuck me, we'll be worshipping u in church on sunday will we?

let an ex et player do the admin for an et no clue....
he aint the only admin and so what if he doesnt play ET anymore? It's not like we have thousands of admins, that can really handle their work, reserved for this.
gimmi their names plz.......maybe I can do this and at and least choose the right fucking teams.........
well all the admins on xfire generally.
I meant that personally to pepper, not to the general readers. I'm an ex ET player, so ye...
dumbassed comment anyway........
D'you really think i should waste my time replying to people like pepper? I've spent the last 3-4 hours fishing through pm's from people about qcup, i don't see why i should waste more time when people can't even act with a little decency, internet or not.
your comment still sux...
Whatever you say..night
yea gn oh gracious one
Don't be a fucking idiot, from what I can see, pepper has just attacked him in an aggressive manner on a public website. Instead of discretely, politely, discussing the matter on irc in private. I think given the circumstance, hentai is being gracious giving any form of answer.
plz, I talked to him on irc as well...
And what made you think it was a great idea to post it here? Attention or what? You know i've always liked you, but you're acting a bit retarded. You have a reputation now, as do I. If I wasn't allowed I wouldn't be surprised. I'm lucky I was allowed to play this cup, because I'm not able to play the Goodbye ETCup. And I don't think it's the fact that they think you cheat. It's as a clan together, you're rather suspicious, whereas my clan have no history of cheats apart from me.
ehm, so what you REALLY are saying is that one cheater alone isnt THAT bad ?

how else you can argue that ANYONE with a "record" would be allowed to play?

just 1 cheater and thats fine?

cause you cant prove that you are clean, and neither can I
but I was under the impression that I was UNbanned from clanbase..and UNbanned from xfire, thus allowing me to play all the fkn cups n stuff I wanted

just cause my clans has MORE ex cheaters doesnt rly matter.
fair is fair, what goes for one, goes for all
At the end of the day, they can decide who they want and who they don't. I'm not about to say OMG PEPPER CANT PLAY I WONT EITHER. Because that would be letting my team down, if they think that letting your team play isn't worth the trouble it may or may not cause, that's their decision.
I know, its not your fault, its good that you are playing, but Im fucking pissed that they said I cant, cause they are just scared that will own them...
No, they're not scared you will own them. They are scared that you will beat other teams, and the other team will say it's because you cheat. In the long run they're preventing conflict which is what admins should be doing.
ah fuck pepper, i aint talking about that...."You're lucky i'm dignifying you with an answer first of all"

makes me fucking sick....end of story
Nice one not reading my comment. He quite honestly has the right to say that after what's been said about him. So please, sort it out.
lick his ass do wat ya like m8, but such a comment makes me fucking puke....
Lick his ass? Read up, I used to play in his clan, and lets just say, we didn't get on. I was kicked from that clan by him, twice. So think about things, before you assume. Now go puke somewhere else, because the smell is making me rather nauseous my self.
<3 nice answer...but plz...are we talking about the same guy?? hypothetical "puke" smells of hypothetical "roses" in your own words...

"Don't be a fucking idiot"

Yes, we are. And no, it doesn't. Your mere presence puts me off live.
easy answer...fuck off then...simple...
Or you could stop posting on this site, seeing as you never have anything useful to say. And you're not exactly a well known person. So what DO you offer this site? =)
or YOU could stop posting utter shite as your'e obviously a person who only posts shite...what do YOU offer this site???...naja only bollocks, so plz get real
I've actually offered many constructive posts. And all of my posts in this topic have been informative and logical. Yours have just been false assumptions. Learn you use your head and look at things unobjectively and maybe you'll get somewhere.
so have I. this topic we are talking about one theme. The fact that I reacted about those words was altogether correct. Youve already forgotten about the words I reacted to I guess......
Of course I remember, but your reasoning was nex to nil. He had perfect right to say what he did. They didn't deserve a reply from him seeing as he had tried his best to resolve it on IRC. Yet the proceeded to attack him personally on a PUBLIC website. So please, don't make it out like he was being pretencious or full of himself.
"You're lucky i'm dignifying you with an answer first of all"

reason enough

where are u from btw?
Nice ignoring everything I said. And hazard a guess.
Close, try again.
last offer new fuck off to bed...:-))
No. And I don't sleep.
i hate cheating in general, but actually i cant understand why this community thinks that if 5 "known" and "clean" guys have somebody like keran\perfo\meez\razz\etc in their lineup, its ok, but a team filled with ex-pub-cheaters gets "omg gtfo" reaction, i really see no difference in that case, we're having a cheaterlimit per team or what?
either disallow all of them or let them play if they're not banned
tbh, it really should be a standard rule. if your team has any cheaters in it, they get in after the clean teams. if at all. peppers "arguements" i can see his point, but tbh, saying things like "i never cheated in an official" , "honest" ,is just dim at best. thing is about cheating, once you do it and get caught, trying to convince anyone that youre still not cheating aint too easy.thats why we booted you out of syk :)
im from the school of thought that once a cheat, always a cheat. i wouldnt let any previously busted players play, but hey, thats my 10p's ban one team with any busted players, you got to ban them all, you cant have 1 rule for 1 and not make it across the board. flame on :>
flame on....aye yer right m8.....but wtf...all the teams that have been accepted will play fucking regardless...we'll have ettv to toss over and in 2 weeks it'll be over...

I'm annoyed....
...and i completely see why.
lol, you didnt kick me, I disconnected from vent and just never came back...

I came into the team, and made new tactics for the clan, and everyone was like "yeah seems good"
everybody liked me when they didnt know it was me, so you really have no reason to hate me...
hates a very strong word. i wouldnt use it. youre a busted cheat, i dislike you.

as for everyone liking you, we welcomed a new player like we would any other, till voo specc'd you ,said "theres something funny about his aim", then told slash and me, and we specc'd you, then i asked you on comms one day "are you sgt.pepper", you never replied, then left comms, and never came back. selective memory is usually reserved for the old and infirm like me :)
lol, you think I used aimbot

I wasnt, believe me...
Unlucky pepper shouldn't of CHEATED

I hate to say this; But I agree with a Swedish cheater.
If you allow one player with cheating-past, you should allow all players with cheater-past, as long as they don't cheat anymore, and are unbanned.
Agree. Same rules for everybody!
I don't know how many clean players there are in pepper's team, but still he got a point (because they aren't banned atm). There's no reason for this team to be out compared to other teams that got ex-cheaters..
hehehehe :)
An Englishman is a person who does things because they have been done before. An American is a person who does things because they haven't been done before.
oh noes , i dont hack anymore pls let me play ...

spast ..
@ Pepper

Not sure if you're familiar with the idea of... When you violate someone else's rights you actually forfeit your own. You did, regardless of whether you cheated solely on a public server, you still cheated and as a consequence made someone else's game worse. It's the price you pay, there is no way around it. I accept this and so should you.

The fact your team is made of up purely of people who've cheated or have been under heavy accusation doesn't look good on you. That's why some of the admins are picking and choosing who to let play. If I was in their position I wouldn't let you or your team play either.

Hentai is proof himself that someone who has cheated can gain full respect back, so I see no reason why you can't either. Play with clearly legit players, even if they're on a lower level and work your way up. You would do this if you were truly serious.
oh poor you, I hope you'll get over it.
because ur random and nobody cares
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