Low resolution vs High resolution

What resolution do you use and what you think its better. Most of the gamers using r_mode 4 ? Only for the refreshrate or something else??

What do you think is the best resolution in your opnion.

In my opnion is r_mode 4 the best because you can see there normaly when using fov 90 and you got nice stable fps + Refreshment rate can be higherd up ..

Im using r_mode 4 maxfps 76 displayrefresh 85 fov 90 (Hitboxes are bigger with 90 :) )

r_mode 6
r_mode 8
r_mode -1

so like 1280*720 without fullscreen =)
Using r_mode 4 because:

- it feels way smoother (game and mouse movement)
- I am (was) able to reach 120HZ on any CRT even at LANs (unfortunetely those are using this new awesome TFT technology now)
- I got few more fps back then
Smoother? It doesnt also has to do something with texturemode and picmip ? What texturemode do you advise to use when playing rmode 4 to get the smooth effect :D
smoother as in mouse input and frame process.
r_mode 4 is bett0r apart from that you can see better through net-walls (liek in supply crane) with r_mode 8
I see through every wall with r_mode 4 so nP
oh wait
r_mode 6, because it's my windows res and ET feels strange too me when playing with another res then my windows res
there's no cheaters in et, it's only r_mode 4
r_mode 6, becuz 4 looks like crap and at 8 i can only get 60hz :S
r_mode 6
it does change -_-
my ubertipp -> r_mode 7 (1152)
my monitor can reach 100HZ @ 1024 & 1152
what happened to your flag?
r_mode 6 because I get 100 refreshrate with it.
r_mode 4 looks to ugly, r_mode 8 only 85 refreshrate :<
YOU SAY ONLY 85 and i have 75 max :[
most et players use r_mode 6. I can get a steady 100fps with vsync at 1600x1200, but it's actually harder to aim that way, somehow. Got something to do with the number of pixels your crosshair have to travel over the screen, or something to that effect. Too low is too fugly, though.
doesnt vsync give you latency?
supposedly, but I can't go back to that eye-jarring tearing now. :p
dunno its magic
r_mode -1
r_customheight 1050
r_customwidth 1680

fuck refreshrate :DD
r_mode 6 @ 120hz
r_mode 4 = hs
r_mode 8, but how I know does 120hz works or no? :DD
If you have crt:
r_displayrrefresh 120


and see if it blows up.....

if lcd = max75 any reso (16:10 = 60hz most proly)
Which one fits better with lcd/75hz r_mode 6 or 8, what's difference? :d
depends on lcd native reso & your pc....

if you dont use native resolution = you sreen is quite fucked up (especially in older/cheaper tft-s)

if your pc cant handle the reso, it's up to you... (fps or quality)

if it can handle it easily, then go 4 native resolution
If you have a bad system, go for 800*600. Lowering the resolution helps a lot if you have low FPS.
For good systems and CRTS that can handle fast refresh rates with "higher" resolutions, I'd choose 1024*768 or even 1280*1024.
And if you have a TFT, don't bother... ;(
if you've got tft avoid fps all together :D
1440x900 (Its r_mode 15 in cod4)
1680x1050 >_<
tbh, whos has the best config for ET? i've tryed so many and always gone back to Netherlandskris
r_mode 4 is indeed the smoothest, but things can look abit crappy with anything but 90-95 fov. So im using r_mode 6 atm
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