Chickens Farmhouse revival>?

Donate me a server so i can put lms and revive the old chicken farmhouse!!!!

i miss the old days

contact me in #crossfire
lol.. gl =D
wonder, how many people played on chickens farmhouse. can only remember a few (sal, lotix, madscientist, twk, etc.)
kentsu, & other MU-guys
lona winter...the whole ilx squad mafiosi
i remember those days i didn't play but used to watch someone play on that servers a lot :) back in the days when =w!ngs= was around :D
w!ngs formed when mindle$$ came to chicken farmhouse and stole rAzZ from madscientist clan mutilation which i was playing for at the time...mindl3$$ then went on to recruit noobs like overdrive and hein to make a stong and match winning side..i remember playing with rAzZ when he first started and wondering how he aimed sooo good lol
heh yeh i remember when he let me on his pc cos i watched him play for like half a yr i shoot rifle straight up and he was like WTF YOU DOING? i answered it will kill someone when it hits the ground :o

he was like Fucking noob xD

also whenever he went to toilet in scrims i tried to play xD
did you rAzz is real life>?
lol yeh i guess i should of said that ahah, he was my best mate for a good few years and also reason i started we used to go out all the time then his uncle showed him et and i went to his everyday of summer like lets go out

in 5mins..... few hrs later... for like a good 4months of me watching him thats when i tried :P

got same pc too his uncle made it :)
did you use to play under the nick Junior? if you do like omg
yeh i did xD then i changed it to Junioo because Junior was too orginal then to this :D
haha we use to play together .... agggges ago..i was playing under the nick s7umf at the good old days lol..i still have your rellli old email at my msn : P
cool ill send you my new msn :D through pm :)
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