Disarmonia Mundi

old but ownage, views?
mindtricks -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=ILSxFSEWODw (shit quality though) :*

greetz to panni \o/
I love sheep and disarmonia mundi forever and ever because they are epic.
shit vocals
you serious? hes the soilwork pwnerer!
i dont really like soilwork vocals anymore
anymore? excessive listening?
no, i never really listened them that much, only liked a few songs tbh
np: Disarmonia Mundi - Chester (2002 Demo Version) "Mind Tricks"

find this and give it a listen
aw, poor ovie :(
they're great :)
though last time I talked to someone who liked disarmonia mundi too was at oktoberfest 2006 and he was a random italian 8)
haha, yea theyre not exactly mainstream, at least not over here in the UK... i havent met a single person who has heard of them in real life... but there is no doubt - their music is absolutely fantastic... i rate them just as good, if not better than soilwork, and they are also bloody good :D
great band, far superior to soilwork imo =)
only because theyre of a similar "heaviness" to in flames i guess
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