u tried SGLac already?

Taking this as a chance to remove cheaters from me beloved game i registered @ SGLac and i downloaded the client. Due to the fact that there is no server-side client avi atm i thought i would be without any use this far. I was told wrong by the SGL-guys that the tool works even though u dont connect to a server with it. So i tried a game and:
no screens uploaded afterwards (never used SGLac) and a remarkable lag every 5minutes (synchronous with my mates trying it aswell)!

Do you have any experiences with it so far?
no point getting it because there is no linux client and it will never be accepted amongst ET competition because of this
still could be a good way for windows users to show they have nothing to hide :)
need more linux cheaters
blame pb
lazy idiots
it's working fine for me, they just have scan problems on the site atm, will be fixed asap.
guess I'm too stupid, but the client does absolutely nothing :o
I start the tool and log in, but it does not upload screenshots or whatever.
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