OMG.... my classmate had today a hello kitty backgorund on his Mobile phone...

now the question... do you think he is a:
srp(like serbian),
erm... die
a retarded gayjew imo
he is just like you...a jew!
INLOVE OF U so he isnt even gay
obviously a jew.
he is in your class

gay ofc !!!
nuttin else dan jew who made anallove with hitler
hes a jimmy xD
thats cruel :S
sensitive emoboy ofc:)
like ya motha, gay!
gay, or a girl got hold of his phone
erm.. he's just a playa ;o
he's from cologne...
pomoje je emo :<
he's gay and he will rape you.
he wants the girls....
hello kitty rox
haha must be jimmy. :D
last time in bona dea I've seen some similar shit on his mobile. ^.^
ee.... wrong... he is a jewtard :P
Racism seems to have raised its ugly head here recently, That's the trouble, it's always just a bit, im wondering all the time why almost every person on crossfire said even once jew to insult someone or just to laugh for fun, i have never seen someone who said muslim or christian or catholic with same meaning to insult or to laugh, i just dont freakin get it why beeing a jew its kind of disease in your opinion or what? i live in Isreal - among jews as you can imagine, but im christian from parents and grandparents side - i celebrate christmas and stuff but why i dont have that hate to them and not consider anyone of them by religion if they are good or not because we all people, we all were made from same material so why a religion is taking so big part in your life? whether you black or white jew or muslim, why do you use the word jew as curse in your list or curses among words like emo, gay, retard, and others? why do you have the respect and the integrity to others religions and when it comes to Judaism you dont have that (or any respect at all) kind of respect, One would like others to respect one's religion. So it is only fair that one also respects others' religions. (from my pure heart, think about it please) Peace!

n1 btw
i hate russians.... they are full of crap :S
hes a gay retarded jew from serbia??
(my brother typed it) :P
like all italians... :P
ya that's why we stole girls from other nations ;)
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