the emo contact lenses journal

this morning i was yelling at my contact lens because it couldnt fit in my right eye (it kept getting stuck on my finger), so it got kinda sad, until it got revenge and LEFT ME when a really highly skilled wind came in while i was waiting for the bus and blew it away from my eye, a 1000 miles away. What pisses me off is that its like the 4th time since september that i lost a contact lens not counting the time that i lost it once in my bathroom and found it after 2 days searching for it with a microscope (btw i use monthly). How many times a year do you lose your own contact lenses??

I have -3.25 sight on both eyes and it really sucks not having them on. Im thinking of doing eye-surgery, how much does it cost and is it worthwhile??
"when a really highly skilled wind came in"
i lol'd ^^
i mean, how the fuck can a wind blow away something thats stuck IN YOUR EYE???
izi..if its a highskilled wind its np4it !!!
I have -3 sight, but i have glasses.
glasses make me look like an emo
use other eyes
i need a site besides ebay to find me other eyes... that shit cant be found anywhere :((
laz0r surgery here costs about 1800~ euros, check some local eye clinic websites
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