Can I haz downloadz?

image: 71xrd5w

Bug or just luck? Or will I get banned from torrentbytes soon? :d
what ?
have you downloaded those files or just seeding?
Downloaded 0.00 kB (0.00 kB/Day)

But I already downloaded over 10 gb. :S
Santa likes you
Dude, it's obviously freeleech, your download stats don't count :D
learn proper english u tard, the "i haz" ain't funny
hmm, why do you insult me? I think it's funny because it reminds me on the cat pics. ^_^
well, since 90% of crossfire are retarded I might have called u tard to soon, u seem rather respectful as is see now so I apologize...
i think it was irony :o
HAHAHAHAHA. youre downloading hellgate london!!!!!!! stop it now! save your hard-drive space, its soooooo shit :<
hehe join date 8 hours ago... noob! been there for like 152 weeks
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