Router Problems ?!

I lost the main driver of my router

Model: D-Link Airplus G+ - Wireless Router - Model nr. DI 624 +

I have searched the D-Link site but couldn't find anything matching to this

Any help would be welcome !
drivers for a router? xD never heard of that before!
Maybe it died because you pissed on it while you were drunk.
XD t'es hard

buy a new one tbh - d-link are shit.

Try torrents etc. np.
I hope you never get it working
why are you so mean :(
I don't understand what the problem is. The "main driver" of your router? My d-link doesn't have any drivers, it's all done via firmware which is inside the router when you get it.

Do you mean the installation CD? The crap that's on there?
yea, i don't really have a problem because im using a wire to get my connections, but for a wireless connection i can't get any signal on other computers in the house, i think the problem is that the driver thingie that stood on the cd isn't present anymore on any off my computer systems
Well, if you have a d-link router, the wireless access cards are separate and come with separate installation CD's.

I have mine in the house but I'm not even sure you need the installation CD to actually use the wireless cards.

Have you tried installing the wireless cards on your system using the Windows Hardware Installation Wizard? That will find any of the files you need via the internet or on your PC.
go find the user manual, call the company and let them send u a driver disk
moar alé ge moet die router trok op zen muil geven
mor alej ge moe diejen routr nen trek up zin mulle gevn

( zo zouden ze het zeggen waar ik woon, dialecten verschillen namelijk elke 5m hier in belgie eh)
slogt diee router oep zen bakkes

hier: slaat da ding op zij muil ze
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