Your favourite Heroes scene ?

image: slusho2


edit: HRG is an irc ethug :(

image: mirclol
shes fine..
You miss the "BITCH!!!" part in that youtube vid
i rly lol'd :DDD:d
lol'd what is this movie called?:o
1. its no movie.

2. its heroes.
my hero:

image: SuperEmo
hasaki ? z0mg...
hmm maybe i need to start to watch this :>

Edit* whats her name?
well i like so many scenes and imo all my favorite scenes are in the episode "5 years gone"

the best there is when sylar and peter start fighting...too bad you cant see anything there :( so i hope there will be a fight of those 2 soon
end of first season and the entire alternate future episode. And alot of other great plot twists
I agree with this all-knowing person!
you know which scene i really had to think about for a long time? about hiro burying adam :p it must be so hard, i mean, hes trapped forever in there and because he is immortal he will have to stay there without light, food, drink and anything else and he cant even die! thats so mean but clever too by hiro <3
ye told witje that aswell. I mean, does he need food and water? If he doesnt, he can bite his way out of there perhaps! But ye thats just way too cruel imo
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