mousemat for g5

Hello guys,

Im thinking of asking a mousemat for christmas since i doesn't have one.
What mousemat do you advice when im using a G5 mouse and I have low sens.
And what site is good for buying or shall i just buy it at a random shop.
Im living in nl.

some links:
lowsense qpad
Qpad ct
Xtrax Hybrid

Thnks in advance.
image: qpad_xt_lowsenseCT_02

PPl advice:
-qpad ct
-razer mentis control
-everglide titan
-Xtax Hybrid
What is the best?
Qpad CT
Raptor-gaming p4
steelpad QcK+ - best for G5 imo
U mean, "the best cause im using it"
it is the best :|
no - cause i have tested almost all pads on the market but sure its still only my opinion :)
i tryed - icemat , QCK+ , razer mantis , Qpad ct

but still you need to use high sens if you want to play...

atm useing Qpac ct
I'd choose the CT... but dunno?
If you want a mousemat that still feels the same after one year+, buy an Everglide Titan.
everglide titan DKT
everglide titan monstermat xD
g5 is een kut muis koop deathadder kty
it was too small for me but its really good pad for G5 (qpad CT), you can try also Everglide Titan monstermat, it's working really fine for me and my mates here around
Depends how much room on your desk. BUT! i would recommend the Steel series "QCK HEAVY" :)

np <3
Seriously, get rid of the G5. My mouse died earlier this week and untill the replacement arrives i'm using this brick called the G5.

I plugged in the mouse, joined some random cybergames server, spawned axis at flag. I do 90 degree flick to go down the staircase and the first thing that happens is the mouse skipping. After half an hour or so I kinda adapted to the maximum speed the mouse could take, but it still had massive negative acceleration even when moving pretty slow.

The lifting distance is a bitch, the shape seems to be designed for ppl with Down syndrome. The weight thing is ridiculous, even without weight init the mouse feels heavy and clumsy.

Using razer mantis btw, it should be 'perfect' for G5...


g5 gaming mouse my ass, take ur crap back and gtfo the internetz!
Everglide Titan ;)
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