G5 = my worst nightmare

Hi monkeys. I'm evirdrevil. You might know me from such newsposts as 'Which cheaterclan will go on to OC final' and 'CPMA changed my life'.

Earlier this week my beloved diamondback died. She performed well for 6 months but a few days ago she randomly started disconnecting changing the sensitivity everytime it reconnected :/

I have to play a few officials by the weekend so I ordered a new diamondback. Unfortunatly it willl take a week for it to get here so in the meantime i'm using a G5.

Let me try to sumarize this: G5 = worstestestest logi mouse ever.

After connecting the mouse, I joined some random cybergames running supply. I spawn at flag, make a 90 degrees flick to go down the stairs only to see the mouse refuse to turn. After few minutes I realize I should move the mouse way slower if I want it to track.

So what about the weights? They look so fucking pro, lets try them! Not rly. The shape and weight of the G5 feels like playing with a brick. After yaers of playing with small razer mice I gotten used to holding my mouse with my fingers. The G5 is just massive and I fail to hold it in a comfortable way. I dunno which retard invented the weight system but this mouse is HEAVY. The feet are big which kinda helps, still the mouse feels clumsy and ... heavy :/ Btw did i mention the mouse starts shaking like some alzheimer when you lift it?

Its been two days with my G5 'gaming mouse'. After whining on ventrilo for two days my teammates forced me to connect my 10 year old M$ Wheel Mouse Optical. I kinda hate how the mouse isnt able to draw (artificial) straight lines but at least its aiming correctly. pitch feels higher with wmo, but I guess its the razer mousesmoothing i'm missing.

Anyway, I'm currently in some kinda of ETQW depression. I knew G5 was shite, but somehow I was hoping for something decent. Nothing special but at least decent. But no, this mouse is crap. It's so much crap that it feels like nigga cock in ur ass and unlike the ETQW demo you have to pay for it. Fuck you logitech.

All g5 owners and ETQW players can gtfo. I'm right. You're wrong. Dont bother replying
True, try to sell g5 and get yourself a deathadder. :)
razer< logitech

better materials....
better drivers....
better all....
Funny because, the only mouse that beat deathadder is g9, otherwise logitech<razer.
cute (^^)
So.. i suppose people is starting to know what's happening in game while you use G5, am i right? ;D
It just changed from the people to him that don't know what's happening.
He should maybe play etqw as he won't notice any difference between mice.
Must agree, in ETQW noone has a clue what's happening.
I got owned on Midnight Spikage yesterday :'(
well journalled

#powered by Juize
mx518 > all!
your opinion master
mx518 ftw
For me the G5 is the best mouse I've used, maybe just because I've used it for about 2 years and I'm used to it, I actually can't use any other mouse except the mx518 because I'm so dependant on the shape for movement. But I've never had any of these problems you seem to be experiencing.
I heard from someone that it doesn't really matter what mouse you use.
read.... and watch where the reply is!
Believe what you want, I don't care.
Try using a 60cm = 360 sens. It also helps if you have been playing with a decent mouse before (diamondback, deathadder, mx518 or intelli)
Yeah I wouldn't know what its like with a sens as low as that, mine is 30cm for 360 degrees.
mAus used to play with it. I'm pretty confident it works ok if you use medium sens. At low sens it just fails :/
Yeah I don't think laser mice can handle the fast movements of a very low sens player. :(

So the G5 isn't entirely shit, it just doesn't work with your playing style!
The Steelseries Ikari Laser should be able to handle lowsensitivity.
thats so fucking true, i can't even play normally
i have had a g5 at first, then when it broke i bought a diamondback and now after a year of razer i wanna buy a g5 again

logitech is simply better than razer
i dont dislike razer mice but logitech are more ergonomical
well i still have a G5 and i think its very good, but i just bought a deathadder just to play with a razer for some time, and it really doesnt make that much of a difference with what mouse i play if my settings are somewhat the same..

i play with medium sens: 25 cm is 180° turn in game so almost same as ur sens ;<
you fail
didnt like it either
laser mice = crap!
QuoteIt's so much crap that it feels like nigga cock in ur ass and unlike the ETQW demo you have to pay for it. Fuck you logitech.

I kinda like my g3, im using high sens though
just so true...
razer>all ofc
i was thinking same of my g7 but after some hrs i got hand and now i can use it well :D
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