Alien vs Predator 2

omfg i wanna see this movie !!!!

what do u think ?
I saw the trailer for it when i went to see the hitman movie... looks ok i guess. Ill probably go and see it since the other movies in the series are good :}
yes.. ill watch Hitman in 1-2 weeks too :)
how was the movie? So far I heard nothing good about it. The only reason to watch it, is the fact that the game was brilliant..
Exactly the reason i went to see it :P

Well, there were some good scenes.. and it was a decent movie.. Lets just say i wouldn't watch it again/ buy the DVD.

I expected ALOT more from it after playing the games.
Hmm doesn't sound like its worth going to the cinema for, rather get it on rental later on.
It was actually quite good, instant action, nothing really boring.
didnt really like the 1st one..and usually the sequals are even worser.. id like to see this movie tho:

edit: hitman wouldve been better if sum1 else wouldve played the Agent 47 role :( Timothy Olyphant just cant act imo
whats the movie about ? will smith the last human and fights against some aliesn/zombies lol ? :P
that looks fucking awsome!!
release date?
I am legend is released on 14/12/07

and yeh razzah ur kind of right, i cant be sure tho, only seen the trailer but i like the idea of it more than the alien vs predator :/
Yea, I am legend will be fucking ownage, sadly that every torrent I have downloaded was fake.
its gonna be a way better than avp 1 thats for sure. the first sucked as hell
check the red band trailer ! everything in it is gonna die 8D
LaL im fan of Alien movies since 1991 when i first time saw Aliens (2nd movie, directed by J. Cameron) and Predator (with Arnie ofc)
image: 00301
John Rambo > Allies&Predator
release date?
you could just watch the trailer..max 2 min, the release date is always in the end. its sumwhere in January 2008
Wtf is cloverfield? Alien invasion or Mega Robot destroying city?
i guess that one gets as sucky as the first part was
Stupid americans they're making similiar movies in the same time and peoples going to cinemas for this,type of film "cataclysm" - Deep Impact and Armageddon (relased 1998) for example, other type "world war" - The Thin Red Line and Saving Private Ryan (1998),
other movies "vampire horror" Blade 2 and Queen of the Damned (2002), i think that i could find other similarities and concurrent dates of release from Hollywod movies (Gladiator,Troja, Lord of the Rings,Kingdom of Heaven, 300) - big armies
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