finnish schools
9 Dec 2007, 01:36
my finnish cheater friend told me all finnish schools ar low, it that true?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
Suomi oli paras luonnontieteis, matikas toinen ja sama äidinkieles.
lopputuloksis Suomi oli toinen. Japsit vai kinukit voitti. (kaikkien aineiden keskiarvossa siis)
mutta kyl suomi on hyvin pärjänny nois kansainvälisis testeis aina
i think its pretty easy to cheat in such a test. the students get picked by the country itself, pretty easy choice there if you wanna end up good huh. i remember in my school 4 ppl got picked. 3 of 4 were the worst students of their classes, 1 was average =)
"compared to as example switzerland, finland got less hours per week than we do, you got bigger classes, and you go with the same pupils to school for 9 years, which is worse than if you would seperate them earlier since you can teach the more intelligent more etc etc.."
what makes the difference?
What about different levels of education? and what about the difference in education between schools? If none of this was taken into consideration, i would say that the test doesnt bear any importance :D
[quote='What is PISA?]• The test is typically administered to between 4 500 and 10 000 students in each country.[/quote]
It's fairly difficult to cheat in a test involving thousands of students: the four shitty students picked from your school don't have much of an impact on the average score of your country.
Of course it's possible to handpick the top people from every school for the test, but with the amount of people participating, there will be huge differences between the skills of the participants either way.
Simply put: seems so.
But, sleep->
nn !