Hatton !

Another loss this year by UK? Once again blaming the referee? Yes yes, it is always referees fault, the rugby, the football, the boxing, it's always the referees fault ofc, britain are #1 !!

[/sarcasm off]

imo Mayweather too good, too smart, too accurate, too fast, was nice try though but imo if hatton fought him another 10 times, he would lose 10 more times.
Member For: 14 days

but.... mayweather was too good in the later rounds no disputing that.

Bring on the flaming towards the UK ^ - ^
Are you too stupid to see that was his gameplan? He was just picking the right time, and he knew that the last rounds was the best time when hatton was tired, etc.
Yeh thats kinda what i said above :P Hatton done quite well in the earlier rounds. And then mayweather punished him.
Ah didn't see that, well my bad for calling u stupid. Actually surprised, thought alot of people would be on here making excuses like they do for soccer (football) :)
both sucked!
no idea what you are talking about
Well maybe you need to leave your house more instead of browsing xfire and making useless journals.
said someone who watched the match (probably) on tv :D
hatton was out classed sadly. shame he did seem to really want it too. :<
A true honest brit. You have my respect.

Agreed, it was a nice try, very surprising to us guys in the states, some brit none of us never heard of taking it to our champ :O
hatton in the early rounds seemed to shock Mayweather who then stepped up the game which hatton just wasnt able to handle yet, the underdog will have its day again, some day :P
At least i have hope in calzaghe :D
glad he lost tbh he's a 'chav'
lol awsome reason. image: 6jclgrc
what, do i need a better one?
lol @ u, I bet your fuckin terrified of them!
no the other thing we were talking about ye pikeys u tool -.-
ye ok mate. It aint like lock stock there all mostly crack head's . Most of em are english aswell with an irish background or smfin
Actually the pikey's in Ireland don't deal drugs.. only the ones in the UK that do that.. strangely enough
Aye thats why there all scum.
And i bet some of em do deal drugs ;)
fuck that I'm scared of pikeys, remember getting chased by 3 of em for me bike...
well, brave as it is to slag people off in forums. there are probably better reasons out there.
lol what?! you want me to track him down and actually say it to him or something?
just find it funny out of all the comments you could of made you make one that slags him off that has nothing to do REALLY with this topic bar glad he lost. gj
jesus you are slow, I personally don't like him, so im glad he lost.. ? now read it a few times so it sinks in.. gj
So are you...:P

And I'm sure your glad he lost cos he is English ;)
Much respect for both fighters, Mayweather took the win very gracefully and was praising Hatton and Hatton was in humour at the end of it considering his defeat.

Tbh, never expected Hatton to win, Mayweather was always gonna be too good and too experienced for Hatton at this level but it was really guttsy by Rickey to challenge Mayweather so fair play to him.

Also disagree with blaming the referee, seemed to me that Hatton and others knew he was outclassed so can't lay all the blame on the refereeing.

Was completely impressed with the amount of support shown towards Hatton, the atmosphere of the fans made it look like it was 80% of the crowd were English.

All in all, it was a good fight and Mayweather certainly deserved his win but you can't knock Ricky's effort and guts. I'm pleased with Hatton's showing even if he didn't win...
"Much respect for both fighters, Mayweather took the win very gracefully and was praising Hatton and Hatton was in humour at the end of it considering his defeat."

Mayweather is a genius in every aspect, he doesn't show his true personality to the media at all. He played the cocky and arrogant role before the fight for the money and the ratings .. he played the gracious card after the match so he gets future support from the uk.

Trust a yank on that one, it was so obvious too. "Oh, i see why they call him the Hitman" and then waiting for a reaction from the crowd.. :\

Watch an american TV channel tommorow and see a more honest side of him, he won't be complimenting Hatton at all, he'll be talking about how he said he was the best and proved it.
Who was this so called brilliant up and coming boxer the commentator was on about?
Just some random champion, nothing special. They always like to introduce prospects and put them up against the champs, the guy he was mentioning isn't any different from the other guys out there. I think hatton is the only person who could ever come close to beating Money because of his style.
Oh thought he was only 22, Mayweather is the best at this weight but theres always some1 ready to fill his shoes ;)
The kid has potential no doubt, but he's far from Floyd's standards. You just can't expect Mayweather to keep going and beating everyone although I think he has it in him to keep continuing but I think he feels he's done everything he has to do, there will never be another Boxing Match with such a United Kingdom hype like this one.
Yeh. I would like to see him fight again. The castillo fight was brill .
"Mayweather is a genius in every aspect, he doesn't show his true personality to the media at all. He played the cocky and arrogant role before the fight for the money and the ratings .. he played the gracious card after the match so he gets future support from the uk."

Oh right, I never knew you knew Mayweather on a personal level, then enlighten us all on his actual personality. Oh right your assuming his personality on the media yourself, but I think you said he doesn't show his personality to the media so where did you get your assumption of Mayweather?

All the arrogance and cockiness at the beginning of the game is the same for EVERY boxer, if it weren't it would be pointless fighting. The gracious card as nothing to do with trying to get more support in another country but more of it actually making himself look better in a professional way rather than a public one.

"Watch an american TV channel tommorow and see a more honest side of him, he won't be complimenting Hatton at all, he'll be talking about how he said he was the best and proved it."
Well so he should, he certainly proved it and I'd be worried if he never said he was the best. Boxing revolves around the ego's and when you risk it at the beginning of a fight you certainly have the license to make such claims after another win.
ere wtf you on shit head, 1. you probably didnt even watch the fight and 2. Hatton didn't blame the ref, he took the KO like a man. Hatton is a brilliant guy, and he wasn't a sore looser.

so pedar stfu dick head, next time watch the thing!
Was waiting for a dumbass comment, thanks.

I didn't say hatton was blaming the ref, read the journal properly, all the commentators and presentors are all blaming the ref (again).
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