Only in Holland?

One of my clanmates can't play in a cup today, the excuse he gave was this:
(13:38:46) (@iNm-bl1tz) wonna play a 3o3 cup or smth?
(13:39:02) (@iNm-wAKTAK) hmm got to go to my parents, sinterklaas
(13:39:09) (@iNm-bl1tz) o_O
(13:39:12) (@iNm-bl1tz) poor show
(13:39:32) (@iNm-wAKTAK) dont you have sinterklaas in england?:/
(13:39:36) (@iNm-wAKTAK) it's kinde big here in NL
(13:39:41) (@iNm-wAKTAK) bigger then xmas
(13:39:42) (@iNm-bl1tz) noe

He left, but without explaining what it was, he left this link:

Someone please explain, are all u cloggies gonna look like this today ?? xD
ye u can only smoke weed legal in holland yes
atleast they have legal weed ;>
hey Pauli sup? :_>
wo0t??? another new profile?? xD...
sinterklaas: created and supported by the KKK
an old guy raping nigger boys :o
Sinterklaas was @ 5 december LOL
the pic made me lulz
sinterklaas is a day in holland in which all the kids get presents. it's like christmas in the rest of the world, with sinterklaas being santa clause :]
ah thx m8, they kinda have this in Germany on 6th December, but no one dresses like this......:))
Sinterklaas his official name is Sint Nicolas (or for the English ppl : Saint Nicolas)

I read an article about where it came from

Apperantly he was a black guy :x
Lies, he is centuries old, white and has a white beard.
I said I read an article about it :x

I never said the article was right :D

But it said he was from Turkey or sth
Ye and my comment was serious!
it's a saint, like saint patrick, and he has his own day. He was originally from turkey but now the story says he comes from spain with his helpers, called zwarte pieten on a steam powered boat. that would be black pete or sumthing. they are mores, slaves xD. He is known for being kind to children so he comes every year at 5 december, his b-day, and brings presents for children.
;)) it's becoming clear.....:x
Quote He is known for being kind to children so he comes every year at 5 december, his b-day, and brings presents for children.

I didnt know Michael Jackson was from NL :o
hehe that was my 1st impression too......
from wikipedia:
"Saint Nicholas was a Greek bishop of Myra in present-day Turkey and became the patron saint of children based on various legends that include resurrecting children from death and saving them from prostitution."

imo MJ does the opposite xD
haha :D yeh, true dat' :P was just joking around anyway
st paddy what a legend!
nigga stole my horse.
LOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD
rofl, the dutch claim jesus was black :D, thats what the thing is about..rly, a friend showed me videos and stuff and on all of them, santa was a nigger
The main point is that they have legal weed
posting irc logs is against crossfire rules. Pls ban!
mmm now where did I hear that before......xD
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