Sennheiser vs Razer

Yo guys, its time for me to choose a new headset.

I've been checking most of the headsets on the market atm and I found 2 headsets that i rly liked.

Razer Barracuda HP-1 Gaming
Sennheiser HD-555

Your opinions, my decision : )

Please serious answers would be great :p
razer for the looks , sennheiser for the eunage
As long as its not steelseries it should be fine :XD
hehe steelseries is also good, I got 5H v2 now but my dad sat on it with his fat ass so it broke...
Do you have the USB version? The drivers for it suck ass.
icemat siberia
still, steelsound 5H v2 usb.
Sennheiser HD-555 = headphones (no mic)
yep i know, but if im going for the sennheiser im getting a Zalman mic with it :p
definately the sennheisers if you don't mind them looking like they do...
sennheiser no doubt, they always have great sound and have a good quality aswell... besides that i heard that the razer doesn't work well without the razer soundcard :xx
Icemat Siberia
icemat siberia sucks , niggah pliz!
sennheiser ! one of the best headphones
If its for ET, you defently shouldn't buy the razer cause its 5.1 and ET doesn't support that. So i would go for a hd555
Although i wouldn't spend that much money for a headset. I used to have a steelsound 5hv2 but it died, so i bought a cheap sennheiser hd201 for €28, and gues which on is better by far..

ofc the sennheiser.
1. its a closed headphone so i don't you don't hear background noise.
2.imo, both sides (left and right) got separeted better cause its a close headphone. but that maight be just a feeling
3. Ingame sound is ATLEAST as good as from the 5hv2, and music and films are MUCH better quality.

i think if you want a 5.1 headset, you should go for the meduse
hd 555 is also 5.1 or am i wrong? =)
nope, 2.1 just a stereo headset
its not a gaming headset. just a high quality headset
kk i was readinbg and found that it has some capibility to reflect the sound taht it will ge "sorround" effect.

and no im not only playing ET, i laso play WoW <3 CoD4 & QW
a surround effect can be created by the soundcard, not by the headset
kk, would be nice to find a review from a Razer Barracuda user here @crossifre :p
120€ for headphones, ROFL :DD
sennheiser w/o any doubt
okey, as i se most of you said sennheiser. Could you explain why?
They have really good sound quality and never break (at least for me) and they are comfortable to wear too :)
really great sound, for sure better then razer. sennheiser makes headphones for years, it never breaks etc etc.
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