ridiculous problem in ET

i got the same problem as famousjuhsuddenly when i am (like always) owning the shit i start lagging , my mouse doesn't move anymore and i start walking without touching the keyboard.
It's only when i push some buttons i can start playing again

tot in den draai
well i had that problem and it was my pc overheating ;<
ah is da dat :) kmoet mijn koelers eens uitkuisen vanavond
overheating lijkt me sterk, tis putteke winter

ni teveel stoken he
i had simular problem .. but my prob was keyboard ...

i guess my G11 doest like redbull :p

anyway, went to store and got a new one :D ( ofc i cleaned with alcohol and didn't speak about the redbull :p )
i had that with some stuff in my config like i got auto sprint when i shot so it could be that.... i reconize the problem:)
Realy doubt Xecisan would "test" others configs, it's not like he is new or wnb.
im just saying if he had some kind of toogle in his config this could be it... not saying he used my cfg did I? just reconize the thing that happens
Are you telling me you didn't create your own config and scripts and that you are not aware what is in it? O_o
no i didn't make my whole cfg i stole some part... im not that clever with it:) but some things i did so i know a bit..
learn to read pls :/
Scripts which don't finish because you interfere it with another script whilst the first script didn't end it's tasks.

When I used nadescript ( spam "[grenade]" when you pull the pin out) and I scrolled to another weapon before releasing the nade, another script was executed so my mouse1 wasn't bound anymore, because the script had to rebind it in the end \o/
That i also found/find (dunno the correct thing) out, but it still could be a part of it... my friend had it to and when i sayed the same i did here it stopped;o) but I don't play annymore so no more problems:p
Poor scripting then, it's not like you need to have something bound for something to happen a number or a certain amount of time.

bind MOUSE1 "+vstr s1 s2"

set s1 "+attack; say_team ^0[^7Grenade!^0]"
set s2 "-attack; -attack; exec et_scripte/smg.cfg"

Ah, it had nothing to do with bind mouse1, but with not executing the "-attack"

Nade would blowup in my own face XDD
I pushed the cord into the mouse quite hard.
LOEL, ik heb dat topic gelezen en heb nu hetzlefde probleem KANKER gaar. Het is alleen in bepaalde servers dno iets met nieuwe software. Fucking hell.
Stop owning then..

And it aint overheating :/ how stupid..
first of all you pc will crash when it overheats, or shut itself down.
second his problem stops when he hits certain buttons..
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