Weird problem in ET

Just like .X. and another guy said I also have the weird mouse problem.

So what I noticed is that in the task manager the Not Active Processes are using 35% of my cpu ( since around 19:00 this evening)

Maybe a new virus or smth? Because I only have it while playing ET.

edit: what about mouse movement.. when you move the mouse, does your CPU load increase a lot or not? If so try switching ps/2 and see if it helps, if it doesn't, try system restore to a few days ago, if it does, lower usb rate
How are you? :p
Damn you are quick nonix
btw, nice pose :D
and i'm fine, you?
found on google ofc :D
ik stuur je demo ervna
homo back at you
We zitten alleen zonder bnc server ventrilo doordat alles van faytnic off is, ben je rond 10 uur anders ff op msn. Jaspermatje.
Of you are overclocking your mouse , declock it and see if it works
well it appeared suddenly, and its not only my mouse its my whole computer its like I'm moving for 3 seconds without any control over my mouse / keyboard.

And the weirdest thing = that unactive processes have like 35% cpu usage

edit: and since .X. got it suddenly too I dont think its a problem in my hardware. Maybe a software error with ET ? ( Although I havent installed anything )
Perhaps dust at your fans

Clean them imo

Also defrag your harddrive
Isnt it weird, I'm playing on this server atm:

No problem at all. Everything just normal.

I've just played on this server:

And here it rly sux.

Can it has anything to do with that new screenshot program, or with a pbbans server side client update or smth? :x

( Btw it arent my fans / temperatures, highest temperature atm is 32 degrees @ cpu )
Were you playing on different maps ?

Are you overclocking anything at all ?

How much ram do you have ?

That will do to solve this I hope

Might be software tho
Both sw_goldrush_te

1gb ram ( ET is using around 300 mb )

Only overclocking my mouse ( Have resetted my overclocks in profile about a week ago, but my temperature was still nice ).

But I cant believe its my pc, since Im playing in a "clean server" ( without pbbans stream or any bullshit, just pb ) and everything is normal. Well hopefully some real nerd pops up and knows the answer (A).
Might be PB services randomly attacking

Also defrag your harddrive

I use JKDefrag 3.29

Easy and powerfull tool

just typ Jkdefrag in at
Ok, in igg bedaankt voor de hulp.
That might actually do the trick, since the new pb update I always have my ET running on the highest priority, so lets see if this one's working.
so weird...
Non Active Processes = non used processor "space" imo, it can be filled in when needed
1 thing for sure, its because of ET and it's only appearing in SOME servers. ( e.g. not on cybergames and some private servers, but some other private servers I have it )
hahahah atemi nerd!!!!!!
Ja ik zit net wijs te doen bij een topic om het op te lossen, heb ik het 2 seconden later in een server. Maar op ander esrvers weer niet, kanker ET niet normaal.
jaja , nu em ik wel een excuus waarom ik zou suck
WAHAHAHAHAHAAH OWNED lekker voor je marcel stop toch gewoon met dat tyfus spel :DDDD
El Phenomenom.
Haha nice xFrd :D:D::D:D:D:DD::D:DD: nog nooit zo mooie reactie gezien :p
Wat die Mike niet weet, is dat hij morgen in de klas mijn dikke lul in zijn reet gaat voelen. EN NEE dat wordt geen prettige ervaring voor hem, dan zit ie morgen met z'n dikke stoere e-face en een pijnlijke reet zulke berichten te typen.

hahaha :DDDD <3
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