How to clean...

image: qpad_perspect_1

Im afraid it wont be as good as before if i clean the surface :-s
image: mauspad

gl lisa XD
#care ?
Probably the surface is ruined, so cleaning won't help ;[.
only nyál can do it...
Quote ok, i looked around and the only thing i could find was to use a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol about 50/50... you might try testing it on a corner of the pad or something, but alcohol cleans most things pretty well. someone also said you could throw it in the dishwasher. this i would not reccomend as the drying function of the dishwasher would melt the rubber material. - google ftw
image: 584310a28500001e

use this motherfucker : D
Ask your mum/
with warm water, not too much ofc! :)
hot water, gij kieke :DD
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