ET vista problem

K, so here is the thing. Some days ago I tried to start up ET again on my new laptop. It worked initially when i opened through administrator ( thx kitty ) but now ET hangs the second I open it. Anyone have/had the same and knows the answer? Lemme know plz.

ask kitty
nope but maybe the vista detects something in et thats not right ull have to find out =/ sorry couldn't help =(
np here haren boy.
uninstall vista cuz it sux bigtime.
aaklord and grandpa in the same topic, HAWT!
what kind of lappie do you have bart?
CPU102) Intel® Core™2 CPU T7400 @ 2.16GHz @ 1000MHz (Dell Inc. 0CF456 mainboard) 02(RAM02) 2GB, 919.59MB free 02(HDDs02) 184GB, 103GB free
23:16…   12 10`aeq: 02(VGA102) NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 GS (256MB), 1680x1050x32, 60Hz 02(OS02) Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium, 1d 17m 55s uptime, 1d 17m 55s uptime record
very nice aak, I like the resolution also, is that a 15" widescreen? wp.
17 inch wide
btw, waarom is t raar dat ik en ronner in tzelfde topic zitten. Tis niet alsof ik iets tegen m heb ofzo ^^
zuig mn penis hond!
1400 euro
256 ddr 3 ? ;o

My new comp will be 8600GS 512mb , dunno rly if its ddr 3, pretty sure it is.. never heard about GS before lol, tho thats the worst of the 8600 cards... but I quess its still ok ?

Also will have that vista in it so im going to face that prob aswell I assume ! :D
i dont know anything about computers so I couldnt tell u what ever DDR it is :D
Type of that memory :p

my comp specs mainly:

Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 2x 2.60GHz
2x500Gb HDD
3Gb of ram, ddr 2.
NVidia GeForce 8600GS 512MB
Windows Vista Homepremium

Quess ET will work.
stable 125 at ET, but that gfx sux in new games
Yeah. main prob is how to get this new comp working at ET :< Vista I mean..
t ll work at vista too,but try to get a decent gfx
Only prob I have is that when I exec and vid_restart my configs pb kicks me out after couple of seconds, reason is corrupted windows or something, that normal thing when your using vista. Do you know any solution of this slight prob ?

i dont have any clue about vista sorry, can only suggest you to put XP back... I'm not interested in Vista yet and I'm not sure that i ll ever put it on my pc
I never had XP in this comp :P And yeah, thats prolly the best for ET. Well see =) Thx anyway !
help him :"(
let it work in "xp environment "or smth? Right click on ET shortcut and there should be a menu with this option.. But I don't have vista so I'm not sure.
tried that, didnt work :<
load ET in ETmain, so without the FS_startup cmd line, then choose ETpro @ mods. (worked for me in the past, had the same "hang" prob)
when i start ET through the .exe it is auto. etmain. So :<
argh.. So you never manipulated the shortcut... Ok, im out of clues, reinstall ! Oh you prolly did allready hmmm wtf directX games work properly? ET is openGL game is there a prob with the openGL drivers or smth?
wutang blacken
use windowsXP
your title says enough 'ET vista problem'... get xppp
I have it as well, my ET on my laptops only works on no-pb servers. So demos and ETTV is okay, but the rest doesn't work. ET freezes the second that intro clip starts.

My solution? Play on your old comp.
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