Old demos prob.

I found an old demo , the name is 2004.dm_83

but all my other ET demos are with dm_84 , how i can watch the demo?

Anyone know something? :O
rename it to dm84
doesnt work , i tryed it allready if i click in demos in ET there is no demo inside :(
did you try to load the demos with an other mod ?
unless you have extensions off it should work. if you have them off go to folder options and enable them save you from typing it everytime. ;)
rofl maybe rename to dm_84 ?:D
doesnt work , i tryed it allready if i click in demos in ET there is no demo inside :(
just put in console /demo namedemo.dm_83

make sure you etpro mod is loaded
incorrect et version lol :D

thx mate i think it helped me alot^^
i guess you need the ET Version (patch) that was used in this Demo. try 2.6 w/o b
No, that's not necessairy.

Scatman is just stupid if he can't play a demo by renaming it to .dm_84, but hey, that's not new to me !
i try it with the console it works^^

Now i got some demos of finest entertaiment :P

thx all
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