Clanbase -> NEW PAM

At last clanbase is going to announce its new PAM mode tonight (because of the much whine)

So IRONSIGHT + 1 machine gun + ANTILAG 1 is back + some perks + some fixes

Perk 1:
- Bandolier

Perk 2:
- Slieght of hand
- Stopping power

Perk 3
- Extreme conditioning
- Deep Impact
- Iron Lungs

So everyone can be happy now :D
QuoteSo everyone can be happy now :D
gief key
w0000000000ttttttttttt nO!
so was it worth it?
Cool! Iron lungs out :I
Why is deep impact on..?
deep impact its pretty nice imo :x
but ofc it can be annoying against some oppenets :P
!! :D:D:D
!! :D:D:D
Happiness now, more whine tomorrow ;o
They should add steady aim on all weapons.
agree. but then it would be less realistic and more just running around & shootin like in ET no? ;<
realism in single player please, in multiplayer it should be more about fun/skill.
what game?:D
why iron lungs?
Where did I say anything related to what skill is?
Regardless of that of course it makes the game 'more skilled' if you hit where you are shooting at and not hoping that one of your shots will acutally hit where you are aiming at.

That's like saying Quake 3 is no skill
being able to aima at an opponent who is able to aim perfectly while running around is
yeah ok!, so Q3, Q4, painkiller ,unreal tournament is not skilled games?
Being able to compensate your aim for spread is a skill as well. However I'm not sure if removing skills makes a game less skilled because it counts for every player, making your opponent better shooters as well. Thus by able to take down these better shooters you yourself need more skill.... blablabla :P
Its not a new PAM but a new ruleset ;x
sounds like WoW :<
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