17th August 1939

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG6X-xtVask -- lol, nice law makers :D go go texas

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtufuXLvOok -- computer cooling, gotta try this with an old computer
2nd video - ''and it can look cool'' imo it didnt look very cool, altho its nice
kak to da ovo radi pod vodom :0
nije voda nego ulje. veliki transformatori se recimo hlade uljem (u elektranama)
ma to mislim,fora :P
2nd video, isn't it kinda useless? cause that oil shit inside is not moving and heat stays at same place
yep. i think it's good whilst the oil doesen't get to some higher temperature, but if oil had an extra cooling, this could be a very good thing for overclocking :o
oh btw, the big fan is 'rotating' the oil inside
you mean PSU fan? its only mixing some of it around itself, no real movement
well, it can be improved :)
i dont see any use improving it, only for "cool" effect, as decent watercooling/aircooling would provide much better results with much less hassle(???) around it
maybe it would be better with transformer oil. dunno how much it is better (if it is better at all) than normal mineral oil, but if it is able to properly cool huge high voltage/current transformers, an overclocked PC shouldn't be a problem
i would put some water in it hihihi
wtf @ second

Think i'll try that on some old pc :)
very nice :>
hm gonna try this i think :D
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