Which mouse?

I want to buy a new mouse cuz this G5 is a piece of shit. Probably u can help in it :)

I'm thinking about a Logitech MX518 or Razer Copperhead. Other ideas are also welcome :D
Thanks in advance!

image: constric

Deathadder ;o
I had G5 its a ok mouse.
But now i have a deathadder its much better, if u dont like that shape try diamondback 3G, or just a diamondback.

Or just buy a mx518 its really good aswell, and its the same shape as G5
copperhead is rly nice i think
copperhead was a VERY good mouse (while it lasted)
but mx518 is also a nice mouse, which at least for me, lasted about 5 times longer... If you don't mind the fact that the copperhead is going to break down in 6months, take it... otherwise go for the mx518 =)
I cant say the mx518 is better because ive never tried a copperhead, but i like the mx518 its lasted ages and its rly comfortable
I had G5 which is piece of shit for like two years but now i have DeathAdder which is much better mouse in all forms
Deathadder :L
logitech mx510/518
razer DA

had both, liked them both but razer wins in MY oppinion.
The Logitech G1 is also a nice cheap little lightweight mouse (based on the optic engine of MX510), but if you like the shape og the G5, MX518 is a safe bet :)
G7. I like it, don't care what other ppl say but cordless gaming mice is zeh revolution!!
Sidewinder :>
just buy the deathadder :>
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