Config Hellllp

K people what im looking for is when i turn my mouse my sensi is 3 but when i press mouse 1 my sensi switches to 1.2....

could any of you helpful script kiddies code it for mehhh : )

p.s <3
bind mouse1 "+attack; sensitivity 1.2"
sensitivity 3
This one has the same logic, use it.

bind MOUSE1 "+vstr valo1 valo2"
set valo1 "+attack; r_dynamiclight 0"
set valo2 "-attack; -attack; r_dynamiclight 1; r_dynamiclight 1"
this is better than wh :D

edit: fast reply
rofl what the hell xD someone really needs to know where the enemy is shooting from
well yes and its easier to locate enemies through walls :D
It gives some kind of "light bursts" when people are shooting. :) that light is very wide and it comes trough walls :D difficult to explain, try it.
lol n1 one, going 2 try
set at1 "+attack; sensitivity 1.2"
set at2 "-attack; sensitivity 3"
bind mouse1 "+vstr at1 at2"

But keep in mind that such a script will totally fuck up your hand-eye coordination and thus in real life you will notice the consequences!!!11
haha, "perfo is the answer to all your problems" and "perfo is the god of charlotte music" :D:D:D
Anyone actually use one of these scripts? reckon it helps? i would like to try it but no point if it makes my aim [even] worse
imo no point using it, same goes with fov changer...
you'd hear them shooting without the lights anyway
That's true but this gives a boost to predict enemy's location :D
really don't need it tho but maybe im just so motherfucking pro
this is just for us lowtards :P
so easy...:1
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