horrible :s

pervert to watch ppl dieing
whats pervert about watching people dying?
Does it give u satisfaction to watch it?
certainly not
This man seemed to have big problems and all they were doing is waiting till something happend.
Perhaps I feel different about this because I´m a woman.
Pervert is to film this and show this to other people.
what can they do? It's way too high
well, setting up pads and securing the area is not enough? what else should they have done? getting a helicopter or cutting down the tower? dont you think he wouldve jumped before anyone helped him? and concerning that "showing this film to other people": he surely shouldve mentioned what happens in it, but everyone smart enough reads the page before viewing the vid as it gave you time enough to do so. and i dont think anyone is a pervert just by watching this unless it thrills him sexually or in any other way except for plain disgust.
they should have shot him with transquilizers, and train a group of bears to catch him.
or fly by with a stardestroyer with hyperspeed, drop a mufflon with freckles and a jetpack crossed with a dip net to catch him and bring him down safely. that would be fucking AWESOME!
dickhead deserved it
so high :) maybe he changed his mind but still fell :o
stupid enough to trip in that height
hahahhaha noob owned
reminds me of myself except i didnt fall i jumped but it wasnt really high so i only broke my legs :<
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