Favo quotes

Vinner man publiken, vinner man matchen
If you win the audience, you win the game ZLATAN
dont drink and drive, smoke weed and fly

Everyone with less skill than me is a noob, everyone with more skill than me is a nolifer
Who said the lower one? :D
me, more like a motto
[ger]wenn holland nich wär, läg aachen am meer[/ger]
that's my favorite!
nr1 flame...

<k*jak tornis> - 'YOU THINK U ARE LOW BUT U ARENT'
QuoteAll I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I dont break 'em for no one

/Tony Montana
Tony Montana: I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
Tony Montana: I kill a communist for fun, but for a green card, I gonna carve him up real nice.
Tony Montana: What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way!
Tony Montana: You know what? Fuck you! How about that?
Tony Montana: You know what your problem is?
Elvira Hancock: What's that?
Tony Montana: You don't got nothing to do with your life. Why don't you get a job? Work with lepers. Blind kids. Anything's gotta be better than lying around all day waiting for me to fuck you.
Elvira Hancock: Don't toot your horn, honey. You're not that good.
Frank Lopez: Who would want to kill me?
Elvira: The catcher on your little league team.
Frank Lopez: That son of a bitch, he didn't get a base hit all season! I ought to kill him!
Frank Lopez: Lesson number one: Don't underestimate the other guy's greed!
Elvira Hancock: Lesson number two: Don't get high on your own supply.
M.C. at Babylon Club: Another great night here at the Babylon, right? Okay. All right! Do another gram, you'll all be babblin' on.
[to Sosa's assassins]
Tony Montana: I'm Tony Montana! You fuck with me, you fuckin' with the best!
Frank Lopez: You want me to believe Omar was a stoolie because Sosa said so? You bought that line?
Bernstein: Every day above ground is a good day.
Tony Montana: You wanna fuck with me? Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!
Tony Montana: Say hello to my little friend!
Frank Lopez: Hey, Tony. Remember when I told you when you first started working for me, the guys that last in this business, are the guys who fly straight. Low-key, quiet. But the guys who want it all, chicas, champagne, flash... they don't last.
Tony Montana: [scoffs] You finished? Can I go?
Frank Lopez: Yes, I'm finished.
[Tony exits, shrugging with indifference]
Fidel Castro: [beginning] ¡No los queremos! ¡No los necesitamos!
[We don't want them! We don't need them!]
Omar: And chico, if anything happens to that buy-money, eee pobrecito... my boss is gonna stick your heads up your asses faster than a rabbit gets fucked.
Tony Montana: In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.
Hector the Toad: You want to give me the cash, or do I kill your brother first, before I kill you?
Tony Montana: Why don't you try sticking your head up your ass? See if it fits.
Elvira: Don't toot your horn honey, you're not that good.
Tony Montana: Who put this thing together? Me, that's who! Who do I trust? Me!
Immigration Officer #1: What about homosexuality, Tony? You like men, huh? You like to dress up like a woman?
Tony Montana: What the fuck is wrong with this guy, man, are you kidding me or what?
Immigration Officer #2: Just answer the questions, Tony!
Tony Montana: OK, no! OK? Fuck no!
Tony Montana: I never fucked anybody over in my life didn't have it coming to them. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one. Do you understand? That piece of shit up there, I never liked him, I never trusted him. For all I know he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed. But that's history. I'm here, he's not. Do you wanna go on with me, you say it. You don't, then you make a move.
Tony Montana: All I got in this world is my word and my balls. And I don't break 'em for nobody!
Tony Montana: Me, I want what's coming to me.
Manny: Oh, well what's coming to you?
Tony Montana: The world, chico, and everything in it.
Tony Montana: You know what capitalism is? Getting fucked!
Tony Montana: This is paradise, I'm tellin' ya. This town like a great big pussy just waiting to get fucked.
Immigration Officer #1: Where'd you get the beauty scar, tough guy, eatin' pussy?
Tony Montana: How'm I gonna get a scar like that eating pussy?
Omar: Watch my back.
Tony Montana: Better than your front, lemme tell you. Much easier to watch.
Alejandro Sosa: I only tell you once. Don't fuck me, Tony. Don't you ever try to fuck me.
Alejandro Sosa: Alberto is an expert in the disposal business.
Elvira: Can't you stop saying fuck all the time?
Tony Montana: Hey baby what is your problem? Huh, you got a problem? You're good looking, you got a beautiful body, beautiful legs, beautiful face, all these guys in love with you. Only you got a look in your eye like you haven't been fucked in a year!
Elvira: Hey, Jose. Who, why, when, and how I fuck is none of your business, okay?
Tony Montana: I got ears, ya know. I hear things.
Frank Lopez: Yeah? What do you hear about Echevierra and the Diaz brothers? What about them? What about Gaspar Gomez? What is he gonna do when you start moving 2000 keys?
Tony Montana: Fuck Gaspar Gomez! And fuck the fuckin' Diaz brothers! Fuck 'em all! I bury those cockroaches!
Immigration Officer #1: Okay, so what do you call yourself? ¿Cómo se llama?
Tony Montana: Antonio Montana. And you, what you call yourself?
Immigration Officer #1: Where'd you learn to speak the English, Tony?
Tony Montana: Uh, in a school. And my father, he was, uh, from the United States. Just like you, ya know? He was a Yankee. Uh, he used to take me a lot to the movies. I learn. I watch the guys like Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney. They, they teach me to talk. I like those guys. I always know one day I'm comin' here, United States.
[after Tony gave her a big wad of money]
Mama Montana: Who did you kill for this?
Tony Montana: You wanna waste my time? Okay. I call my lawyer. He's the best lawyer in Miami. He's such a good lawyer, that by tomorrow morning, you gonna be working in Alaska. So dress warm.
Tony Montana: Here pelican, pelican, pelican...
Gina Montana: I like Fernando, he's a fun guy and he's nice... and he knows how to treat a woman.
Manny: [laughing] Knows how to treat a woman? By taking you to the toilet to make out?
[watching news on TV]
Tony Montana: I know that. But you know why? Because you got your head up your culo, that's why. That fucking guy. He never tells the truth. That motherfucker.
[during the final shootout with Sosa's assassins]
Tony Montana: You think you can take me? You need a fucking army if you gonna take me!
Mama Montana: [to her son Tony] You know, all we read about in the papers today are animals like you and the killings. It's Cubans like you who are giving a bad name to our people. People who come here to work hard and make an honest living for themselves.
Tony Montana: Is this it? That's what it's all about, Manny? Eating, drinking, fucking, sucking? Snorting? Then what? You're 50. You got a bag for a belly. You got tits, you need a bra. They got hair on them. You got a liver, they got spots on it, and you're eating this fuckin' shit, looking like these rich fucking mummies in here... Look at that. A junkie. I got a fuckin' junkie for a wife. She don't eat nothing. Sleeps all day with them black shades on. Wakes up with a Quaalude, and who won't fuck me 'cause she's in a coma. I can't even have a kid with her, Manny. Her womb is so polluted, I can't even have a fuckin' little baby with her!
Tony Montana: You think I kill two kids and a woman? FUCK THAT! I don't need that shit in my life!
[Tony sees that Alberto is about to detonate the car bomb]
Tony Montana: You dead, mothafucker!
[Shoots Alberto in the head, killing him]
Tony Montana: What you think I am? HUH? What you think, I a fuckin' worm, like you? I told you, mayne, I told you, don't fuck with me! I told you, no fuckin' kids! No, but you wouldn't listen! Well, you stupid fuck! Look at you now.
Alejandro Sosa: Tony what happened?
Tony Montana: Aww, Alex, we had some problems you know, your man he wouldn't listen to me so I had to cancel his fucking contract.
Tony Montana: You wanna waste my time, OK? You wanna play rough?
Frank Lopez: Tony, don't kill me, please!
Tony Montana: I ain't gonna kill you.
Frank Lopez: Oh Christ, thank you! Thank you!
[Tony looks at Manny]
Tony Montana: Manolo, shoot that piece of shit!
Tony Montana: NOW you're talking to me, Baby.
Elvira: Don't call me "Baby". I'm not your "Baby".
Tony Montana: I didn't come to the United States to break my fucking back.
Tony Montana: Now you're talking to me baby! That I like! Keep it coming!
Tony Montana: Another Quaalude, and she'll be mine again.
Hector the Toad: Okay, Caracicatriz. You can die too. It makes no difference to me.
Elvira: So do you want to dance, Frank, or do you want to sit there and have a heart attack?
Frank Lopez: Me, dance? Hey, I think I wanna have a heart attack.
Elvira: You know what you're becoming, Tony? You're an immigrant spick millionaire, who can't stop talking about money...
Tony Montana: Who the fuck you calling a spick, mang? You white piece of bread. Get outta the way of the television.
Tony Montana: The only thing in this world that gives orders... is balls.
Tony Montana: [watching flamingos on TV] Come on, pelicans! Fly, fly away!
Bernstein: You can't shoot a cop!
Tony Montana: Whoever said you was one?
Bernstein: Wait a minute. If you let me go, I'll fix this up.
Tony Montana: Sure, Mel. Maybe you can hand out to yourself one of those first class tickets to resurrection.
Bernstein: Fucking punk. Son of a bitch!
Tony Montana: So long Mel. Have a good trip.
Bernstein: Fuck you!
[Tony kills Bernstein]
[Tony is asked about the tattoo on his hand]
Tony Montana: Oh, that's nothing, man. That's for my sweetheart.
Immigration Officer #1: Sweetheart, my ass! We've been seein' more and more of these. Some kind of code these guys used in the can. Pitchfork means an assassin or somethin'. You wanna tell us about it, Montana, or do you wanna take a little trip to the detention center?
Elvira Hancock: Nothing exceeds like excess. You should know that, Tony.
Tony Montana: Would you kiss me if I wear the hat?
Elvira: No.
Gina: You can't tell me what to do, Tony. No more. I am not a baby anymore. I'll do what I wanna do. I'll see whoever I wanna see. And if I wanna fuck 'em, Tony, then I'll fuck 'em!
[Tony slaps Gina across the face]
Frank Lopez: Elvira! Baby! Where've you been? It's 10:00 honey I'm starving!
Elvira: You're always hungry, you should try starving.
Tony Montana: Look at that: a junkie... I got a junkie for a wife... Her womb is so polluted... I can't even have a fucking little baby with her!
Manolo Ray: C'mon Tony...
Elvira Hancock: You son of a bitch!... you fuck!...
[throws wine in Tony's face]
Elvira Hancock: HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! What makes you so much better than me? What do you do? Kill people? Deal your drugs? Real contribution to human history Tony! What makes you think you can be a father? You don't even know how to be a good husband!
Mama Montana: [to Tony] Why do you have to hurt everything you touch? Why do you have to destroy everything that comes your way? ¡Malagradecido! ¡Mal hijo!
[Ungrateful! Bad son!]
Tony Montana: You know what your problem is... pussycat?
Elvira: What's my problem Tony?
Tony Montana: You got nothing to do in your life meng!
Omar Suarez: What's with this dishwasher, chico?
Omar Suarez: Don't he think we could've got some other space cadet to hit Rebenga cheaper, too? Fifty bucks.
Tony Montana: Then why didn't you? And don't be callin' me no fuckin' dishwasher, or I'll kick you fuckin' monkey ass!
Tony Montana: Hey, Frank, you're a piece of shit.
Frank Lopez: What are you talking about?
Tony Montana: You know what I'm taking about about, you fucking cockroach.
Frank Lopez: You know what a chazzer is?
Tony Montana: No, Frank, you tell me. What is a chazzer?
Frank Lopez: It's a Yiddish word for "pig." See, the guy, he wants more than what he needs. He don't fly straight no more.
Tony Montana: Hey, how'd you like that? Huh? You fuckin' maricón! Hey!
Tony Montana: [turning to Bernstein] Every dog has his day.
Alejandro Sosa: [after Tony assures him] I think you speak from the heart, Montana. So I say to myself, this Lopez, your boss, he had chivatos like that working for him, his judgment stinks.
Alejandro Sosa: I told you a long time ago, you fucking little monkey, not to FUCK ME!
Elvira Hancock: Can't you see what we're becoming, Tony? We're losers. We're not winners, we're losers.
Tony Montana: Go home. You stoned.
Elvira Hancock: I'm not stoned. You're stoned.
Tony Montana: Look at that guy. What's he got that I don't got?
Manny: Well, he's very handsome for one thing...
Tony Montana: [after coldly disposing of Frank Lopez and Mel Berstein] OK, come on.
Manny: What about Ernie?
[Lopez's assistant]
Tony Montana: [very tense music builds, shot of Ernie sweating and fidgeting, then slow zoom shot of Tony and Manny looking at Ernie. Tense music stops] You want a job, Ernie?
Ernie: [Ernie breathes a huge sigh of relief] Sure, Tony.
Tony Montana: [to Manny] You should have kept your mouth shut, they'd have thought you was a horse and let you out.
Hector the Toad: Now the leg, huh?
Omar: We are just going to do one deal and that's it!
Tony Montana: Ok... fuck you. How's that?
Omar: Fuck you.
Tony Montana: Fuck You!
Tony Montana: What about that job we did for you in Freedom Town? The Rebenga hit... What was that? A game of dominoes, mang?
Hector the Toad: [after killing Angel with the chainsaw] Last chance, pendejo!
Tony Montana: Fuck you!
[spits at Hector]
Tony Montana: What you tell 'em?
Manolo Ray: I told 'em what you told me to tell 'em, I told 'em I was in sanitation, they didn't go for it.
Tony Montana: Sanitation? I told you to tell 'em that you was in a sanitarium, not sanitation, sanitarium.
Elvira Hancock: [after Tony tries to kiss her] Don't get it confused, Tony. I don't fuck around with the *help*.
Frank Lopez: [pleading] Please Tony, don't kill me. Please, give me one more chance. I give you $10 million. $10 million! All of it, you can have the whole $10 million. I give you $10 million. I give you all $10 million just to let me go. Come on, Tony, $10 million. Its in a vault in Spain, we get on a plane and its all yours. That's $10 million just to spare me.
Quote by Zap BranniganKif, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men.
warming up for prac on sd2 vs TAG:
m1lk: leuk, weer lekker nadetjes ontwijken
waarom is dat zo grappig ?
omdat ik met een bende rooie triangels speel ? ;d
Sensor en Bobot vonden het wel een mooi compliment :)
say <TLR|M1lk> i was on hbc today
say <TLR|M1lk> you were there too
say <iNm-sAs> was i :o?
say <TLR|M1lk> i was like wtf, tekoa playing incognito again?
say <TLR|M1lk> but it was just you

i was aiming so leet he thought i was tek (H)
“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” - Seneca the Younger
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his"

-General Patton

"I told you I was ill" - On the Gravestone/Tombstone of Spike Milligan
"I still think I am the greatest" - Kanye West
"If there are men , there are wars" - Einstein
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