how you

discovered et?me by an irl friend
aliens installed it on my computer after they kidnapped me
Everyone left RTCW :<
never played it online...i didnt have a valid key
It's same as ET, but little faster towards Quake series, and small differences. Anyway xD
i wanna try it someday...but i dont wanna but happen to know anyone with a rtcw key that he doesnt use anymore?
Achja waarom niet in het Nederlands,
ik heb wel een cd-key voor je - heb er toch twee xD
*niet zeker maar waarschijnlijk wel ik zoek morgen wel,
als je xfire hebt voeg je me maar toe of priv. msg*
ik heb je toegevoegd als buddy
pm me maar als je er een extra hebt.
alvast bedankt ;)
lan by friends
some random said its good game
One of my friends introduced me
friends introduced me
geekish mate of mine said that it was free, so I tried it :D
thank for my ex
clan member from c&c tiberian sun told me about it
Friend gave me download link ;s
my friends played it.
i exspected more comments like

[nC] introduced me
Saw the demo online one day and downloaded it, was a great FPS game, so carried on playing the game on LAN up until about 2 years ago.
from rtcw playas at the time....1st game a lan with 4 playas with fueldump...(wasnt online yet)!
I read about it first in a videogame magazine when it was still in devlopment and was ment as a RTCW expainsion pack.
After not hearing about it for quite some time I looked around in the interwebZ^ and eventually found it on

Best day of my e-life.
rl friend told me :c
stole it from a 2 years old baby
bad bad boy!!
yo schnee wasup?! long time no see ;.>
all fine. well stress sbut ookay!! hows u? :D
im fine too ;]
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