boring day

just got home from 6 easy and boring hours at school
outside the weather aint cool at i think ill stay inside :>
and the vacation is close...21 dec...and we will have 17 days of vacation :>
really nothing to do now... :1

by the way...going to eat something now

but...hey was your day? cool as mine?
no random pic here:
image: mythbusted
Still sitting here at school, Im out in 2hours and when Im home Im gonna party coz its my birthday :)
Happy b-day 2 u :)
Thank you :)
i wrote geography exem, so my day wasn't better than yours :C
2 hours in the university, 1 hour in the library and now looking Heroes at home.
So nothing special.
My day is just starting, having breakfast/lunch atm :)
i just got home from 6 best hours in school this year (played golf with my neighbour on his mobile phone!!)
still at work..........
i made my exam, i was pwnign my exam, misread the question, now i'm sure to lose 20 points out of a total of 60,.. adding some mistakes to that the max i can get is 30/60... don't get why life is hating me that much since i'm very good at chemistry..
wot wuz teh question?
you mean questions..

there was one in which i had to calculate the volume of NaN3 that would been spread out in to the atmosphere, when a car accident occurs and the airbag pops out.. was an izi one, i've started correctly, she gave the reaction, but seemingly you still had to edit it, factors and stuff.. but two questions before this one, i had to something similar aswell, also with a reaction that was given, the thing was, they both were correct so no editing was needed, she gave them right.. the other questions on the contrary she didn't edit, so they still had to be corrected, which i tought wasn't needed anymore since she had done it with the others aswell.. so i started making the question, but when making your stoichiometric table those components are very crucial.. so all the work i did, all the steps are made were correct, except for the editing of the reaction, which is one of the first steps you have to do.. so basically everything i did after that is wrong, which i won't get any points for, meaning i will lose at least 6 points out of 8 on that question...

After that i had another question in which i needed a stoichiometric table for just a small sec, but again crucial sec.. misfilled it... wrong numbre at the end.. so they will see it as if it's totally wrong.. max of 1 point out of 6...

And like this has no end, there was yet another question with a stoichiometric table, hurray hurray you would say since i'm such a pro in them (if i can set up my own goddam reactions, then i know i have to edit them...) this one is a question on 10 points (gg!)..
got to calculate the difference between a theoratical test and a practical test. There's always a difference in between.. so i had to calculate what volume we would get in theory.. i did everything i had to do.. but guess what, i saw the reaction (she gave), tought it was correct already (becuz of the 2 first questions in which they were fixed), calculated what i had to know, came down to a possible result, but guess what, it will be WRONG since i didnt edit the components...

the only thing i can hope is, that i get some small points for it eventhough, and along with the other questions that i will get 22 points in total out of 60... so i would still pass the course in total..

GG! :<
das mich veel te lang om te lezen joh! Ma ik ben nu wel aant lachen xDDDDD
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