external or internal harddisk

hey girls and guys,
my pc is so full with stuff that i need one more harddisk..
since i have no idea whats better an external or internal and about prices..
i need smth about at least 200Gb.

any suggestions? maybe links if u get some....

edit: i got 2nd question: sup when my pc doesnt recognize that i put on my external harddisk. any solution to restore the files on it?

thx in advance, greetz!
i suggest external
i suggest stop being that awsum
perfo is just awesome^^
dont know , take the cheapest

edit: forgot smth,

ask perfo
use a nice 3,5 inch hdd with atleast 7000 rpm, and install it in an external case.
it sounds like bubarek
i´m sorry m8te, but i must correct u.

it´z buburek !!!
if you're only going to use it for storing files an external hdd with 8mb cache + 7200rpm should do fine

something like

if you dont have esata and only use usb2.0 why should you need 7200rpms, because it makes more noise?
lol, 7200 rpm doesn't matter for external hd :) , it's the speed of usb or firewire that matters :o
well they're all 7200rpm anyway
hey daddy, long time didnt see u. hows u?
Like always fine, And you not haven seen me is strange i'm always around.

And how are you doing freulein?
its fraeulein* to say it correct.
and well im fine, busy with work, not often here, so maybe that why i didnt see u that often!
ah np will catch up @ cdc4.

btw google says Fräulein. And what google says is true!
:p thought u didnt know ö,ä,ü so i did ae :DDD
i know them, got German keyboard + had german on school for 2 years, problem is that i haven't used that information since many many years :/
so we will improve ur german skills at next cdc ::D
We can always try. :)
internal ofc

cheaper, better performance, less hdds broken.

you can expect (when you use the harddisk often and you dont buy an expensive one) that the harddisk will be broken in one year, no problem with warranty, but your data will be lost.
have to work.... bah but later i have sturmfrei until 10 :p
anyone should use externals ONLY if you need to carry big amounts of data with you.

in any other case -> NEVER EVER pls! your will cry over your last data eventually :<
Internal unless you need to move shit around!

image: ooo
its just for movies, music and stuff, just to store files..
but with my last external i got the prob that my pc doesnt recognize it when i plugged it in...
so internal in general better?
Internals are faster, cheaper and more reliable - and of course they're internal so they save space. Only get an external if you need to transfer data between computers often.
Bought external networked HD this week. 200€ for 500GB in an external case with a small processor and network card. Just plug it into your router, configure the smb server and you are ready to go. You can also connect trough USB, or replace the HD with a newer and bigger one.

But yes, Sol is right. The speed sux, afaik max USB can do is 480 mbit and its using a lot of cpu by doing that. If you use it over a network the speed goes downto 100mbit :/
delete you porns - problem solved
i bought external hd 500 gig for 110 euros and it rox ;)
hey davi :DD
tbh my external is shit. :/
here a link ---http://www.acom-pc.de/

Here I also my new PC this week bought to .Quite favorably and competent. And also many other cheap good things have.
they got hax also?
jups but only for girls
I bought external hdd of €99.99 and I didn't have any problems with it yet, it's plugged in all the time.
any chances to restore the files? because they r still on the external, just my pc doesnt want anymore :/
tried it already on another pc? if it works on another pc it's just a usb problem, try other usb port or update/reinstall chipset/usb drivers.
didnt try so far. always forget to take it with me. :P
and uuuhm my pc is bit old, i dunno where i shall find drivers and who the hell i know what i shall type in at google for drivers...
you can analyse your pc with some free proggie that says all the hardware in your pc, then just type that hardware in google, example "intel i865G drivers"

that prog is Everest home edition download

find there your chipset name and type in google and update all your drivers
thx for ur help will try this. :D
keine ursache ?
Internal, Samsung T166 500Gb

or if you decide to go external, get the one with firewire.
media markt maxdor 500gb für 90€ imo !!!
edit: extern
huhu simon! schickes pic <3
isn bissle sehr billig oder? nicht das das ding nach nem jahr den geist aufgibt..
kA hab die erst seit 3-4 wochen xD aber bin zufrieden und ist 5 jahre garantie drauf. und maxdor ist ja auch nen name !!! btw <3<3<3<3
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